Monday, September 7, 2015

Biblical Keys to Divine Speed 1

Excerpts from Launch Out into the Deep by Uyoyou C. Charles-Iyoha

• Diligence 1st Kings Chapter 18 verses 44 to 46

Elijah was still praying, thanking God for answered prayers when he sent word to Ahab to set out before the rain stopped him. Quite significant is the fact that Ahab had a chariot to ride in. Apart from the shelter that a chariot offers, it also has the capacity for speed. A chariot will definitely go faster than people on foot. It is like walking and riding on a bike; riding a bike and driving a car; driving a car and flying in a plane. So by all indications, Ahab should arrive at Jezreel before Elijah who went by foot.

Yet the Bible records that Elijah arrived Jezreel before Ahab and the reason for this is because the hand of the LORD came upon Elijah. The hand of the LORD was not upon Elijah all along but as soon as Elijah needed to get to Jezreel before the downpour he prophesied and prayed down, God rested His hand upon him to give him divine speed ahead of Ahab who had all the speed apparatus of his day. Some questions are worth asking at this point. What is the hand of the LORD that came upon Elijah and why Elijah? Was Elijah still walking on foot when the hand of the LORD rested on him? Though the Bible does not provide answers, Proverbs Chapter 15 verse 19 gives a clue. How? 

A lazy person actually makes no effort. S/he always gives excuses and is never bothered about the consequences of his or her inactions arising from spiritual, physical, mental, intellectual, material, and moral laziness. That is why his way is compared to a hedge of thorns. Attempt to walk through a hedge of thorns and you will be amazed at the sheer impossibility of making progress. This is because a hedge of thorns is actually designed as a barrier to hedge in whatever it is protecting and keep away intruders. In like manner, any form of laziness actually barricades the blessings of God from the life of a lazy person.

While I cannot say much about Ahab’s physical diligence, it is clear from the evidence of Scripture that Ahab was spiritually, mentally and morally lazy. That explains why his wife Jezebel easily turned his heart to idols and great wickedness. Therefore irrespective of whatever man made speed gadgets he owned and had access to as King of Israel; he could never outrun Elijah who had access to the speed of God. This is exactly what Proverbs Chapter 15 verse 19b means that the way of the upright is a highway. Highways are designed to give speed which explains the absence of speed breakers or any barriers that the hedge of thorn constitutes. Uprightness gives speed because it eliminates the speed breakers of sin and related atrocities.

An upright person is a person who walks in the fear of God and because God is always with such a person, that person has full access to the speed of God and will always outrun when the need arises. Therefore, be spiritually, mentally, physically, intellectually diligent so that when the need arises, you will outrun and return the glory to God.

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