Monday, September 7, 2015

You Can Heal From the Scars of an Abused Past

Excerpts from Launch Out into the Deep by Uyoyou C. Charles-Iyoha

An abused past is the last thing anyone wants to remember. The memories no matter how long they have been stashed away and how far away they are stashed are always fresh when recalled. The memories of an abused past do not fade away. Sometimes, a word, words, sentences, conversations made without any reference to someone with an abused past can set the painful memories flooding all over again. A look, certain action, visit to a certain location, mention of a certain name/s can bring one to tears, bitterness resentment, anger and a quest for vindictive actions. This vicious cycle can go and on if the memories are not taken to the feet of Jesus Christ and left there completely in exchange for healing. Yes, you can be healed from the pains of an abused past to live a life of happiness and true freedom in Christ Jesus.

Turn to God and be completely honest with God.

Be honest with yourself.

Be honest to your Counselor or Pastor if you have one.

Release the deep seated pain and emotion. Let go of the past and embrace God's new beginnings.

Forgive those who hurt you and reconcile with them if they are still alive and willing to relate with you. But be careful to set clear cut boundaries in your new relationship.

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