Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Wisdom for Seed Planting 4

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Before embarking on the journey of seed planting it will be worth your while to make a distinction between good ground and thorns. This is because a ground may be good to plant on but if it is full of thorns, what happens to the crops planted on that good ground? The plants will definitely grow but the thorns will always choke them and who knows what will happen. Is it then wise to sow among thorns? Please see Matthew Chapter 13 verses 7, 22.

Both wayside ground and rock could not provide what the seeds required to thrive – earth to protect the seeds from being trampled down and devoured; and moisture for the nourishment of the seeds. On the other hand, the ground with thorns provided both security and moisture yet had self destructive properties which ensured that the young plants did not grow beyond a certain level.

The wayside ground seeds were afflicted by external factors, people walking along the way and birds flying over the wayside whose sharp eyes spotted the seeds though trampled and devoured them. The rock lacked water and moisture; also external factors as rocks neither manufacture water nor retain water.

But the ground with thorns had an internal self destructive mechanism – the thorns which had no room and zero tolerance for anything that would benefit humanity. Thorns do not benefit humanity and one would have expected them to be pleased to have plants which would benefit humanity grow beside them. No way as they choked the life out of the plants. Thorns have no good intention towards anyone or anything and do not benefit anyone in any way. They are destructive and would always destroy as they always bring about destruction. A thorn infested ground no matter how fertile is not good ground.

Wisdom for Seed Planting 3 - The Wayside Heart

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The wayside heart is grossly unprepared for the gospel. Consequently, it cannot process the gospel which explains why the seed of the gospel planted in it is carelessly trampled upon and devoured. In like manner, business and money making ideas, products and services taken to the wayside ground will automatically fizzle out, the products and services will be treated as scum, disdained, rejected and if you have no idea who you are and what the quality of your products and services are; you will lose confidence in yourself, your ideas, products and services and will not have the confidence you require to multiply and compound your resources to wealth and success and be the blessing God created you to be to humanity. Why is that so? Because you took what is of value to a ground that is not prepared for value, does not know value, appreciate value and is therefore not receptive to value. What happens? That value is trampled down and devoured.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Wisdom for Seed Planting 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Significantly, your seed is God’s divine deposit in you for you to become sought after and great in life. If you do not respect, value it and trade it for profit by paying attention to it, how then will you become sought after, great, wealthy and successful? Please see Proverbs Chapter 27 verses 23 to 27. The Bible standard is for you to diligently pay attention to; nurture and care for whatever God blessed you with to a profit. 

To do this you have to find an enabling environment to plant your seeds so that they are like pearls cast before swine. For example the seeds which fell on rock sprouted but they withered away because they lacked moisture. Moisture is critical to the survival of pants. Unfortunately, rocks do not retain water; therefore will not have moisture to sustain the growth of any plant. Besides, rocks take the toll of hot sunshine especially in tropical regions and on very sunny days. No plant no matter how resilient can survive in such an environment. The sprouted seeds withered away as quickly as they had sprouted. What a shame, what a pity! The bottom line is to avoid environments that are not conducive to the growth and fruition of your seed as such environments are inimical to your success. The wayside environment did not even give the seeds that fell on it a chance to germinate like the rock did. However, the growth transient – germinate to wither and not to fruit. This is not the will of God for anyone endowed with divine seeds. It is my prayer that God in His infinite mercy will forbid such evil in your life in Jesus mighty name. 

Wisdom for Seed Planting 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Seeds vary. There are agricultural seeds, spiritual seeds, financial seeds, emotional seeds, physical seeds, reproductive seeds, academic seeds, technological seeds, etc. whatever seeds you are blessed with, please note that a major characteristic of seeds is to reproduce themselves through addition, multiplication and compounding only after they are planted. 

Plant your seeds on good ground so that they can germinate, grow, bud, flourish to harvests so that you can have great and abundant harvests. That way you will not waste precious seed especially quality seeds. Seeds are divinely designed to be planted on good ground to grow and bear good fruit for great harvests. Please see Genesis Chapters 8 verse 22, and 26 verses 12 to 14. They are not designed to be trampled down and devoured by the birds of the air as in the case of the seeds that fell by the wayside. The wayside was open, exposed and was actually a thoroughfare for anyone, just anyone including people who had no respect for seeds. So the seeds were trampled down and with no protection whatsoever, they were devoured by birds. Please note the choice of words – trampled down because they were not sown in the right place; beneath the earth in specially selected land areas designated for growing seed and secured from human and animal traffic. The seeds are further secured by planting them beneath the earth; safe from predatory animals and birds as well as unobservant and who knows insensitive human passersby. 

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Step Up Your Game 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Institutionalize and put relevant structures on ground so that you can flourish and bloom with your God given vision. Instituting the God ordained structures that impact to transform humanity which you have been instructed to institute by the Holy Spirit will speed up processes for you and give you great mileage ahead of your competition.

Be more friendly. It is said that people who smile and are friendly are usually welcome anywhere. This is because people care about how much you care about them and not necessarily what you know though what you know may also come in handy.

Treat people with respect. Truth, integrity, honesty, rule of law and respect for others is not a sign of weakness. Besides, you never can tell; great people sometimes come in small packages. 

Be more generous. Generosity always has the capacity to enlarge you. Therefore give because it is more blessed to give than to receive and anything given is a seed and because seeds always germinate and produce a harvest in response to the law of seed time and harvest, your giving will always bring blessings to you if done in line with the will of God for your life. Every opportunity to give is an opportunity to be blessed. When you give you provoke the law of giving –Please see Genesis Chapter 8 verse 22 and Luke Chapter 6 verse 38. Every seed in your hand is pregnant with plantations. You can count the number of seeds in an orange but you cannot count the number of oranges in a seed. Give of your time, talent and treasure – Luke Chapter 9 verses 14 to 17. 

Step Up Your Game 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Diligence is careful and thorough work or effort while to be diligent is show care and effort in your work or duties. This means paying attention to details, getting accurate information to ensure your ts are crossed and your is are dotted, you know the meaning of words before using them. Diligence speaks about organization and order. From How to Labor for Profit by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

To step up your game implies that you have already have an ongoing game. But wherever you are in that game and irrespective of whatever successes you have achieved, you still have more ground to cover as you have not seen your best days yet. Therefore, take a quality decision to step up your game. How, you may ask. 

Be more diligent in whatever God assigned you to do on planet earth. The widow of the indebted prophet was asked to SELL the Oil she had, PAY her Debts and LIVE on the Rest. Please take note of the Key phrases such as a jar of oil, GO implying that she should move, possibly from her comfort zone as well as act. Additionally, she was asked to borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbours. The prophet was very specific in his instructions to the widow; she was to borrow vessels from everywhere, all her neighbours, and significantly, empty vessels in large quantities (many, as many as you can borrow. She was also to shut the door behind her (avoid distractions, run away from them; focus, concentrate on what has to be done). Pour the jar of oil into all the vessels, and as each vessel is filled, set it aside so that you have the filled vessels on one side and the empty vessels on one side. The widow followed through on every one of the instructions and significantly became not only debt free but financially free for the rest of her life. 

The virtuous woman of Proverbs Chapter 31 verses 10 to 31 consistently stretched out the curtains to enlarge her tent in about every area of life – as a child of God, as a wife, as a mother, as a mistress and leader in the home, as a business woman and as an individual in her community.  She diligently and intelligently stretched out her curtains, reinvesting profits in diverse businesses; always considering the implications of doing so. She is a role model.

It’s in You

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

All the resources you need to succeed in life are inside of you. You may wonder how and where. Perhaps you should take a clue from the prodigal son who thought a rich inheritance from a wealthy father would set him up in life. What happened? The young man lost everything as fast as he demanded and collected it from his loving father. And because he had no idea  how to make wealth with his God given resources he was engaged in what I choose to call slave labor; slave labor because he did not even earn a living wage. To make matters worse, he came close to eating what he fed the pigs with. Fortunately, with no human help in sight from anyone, God helped him to come to himself – he was not a slave but a bonafide child of a very wealthy father whose servants could be described as rich. Why then should he live in abject penury when he could return to his father to make peace and be wealthy again? Do not forget that as a child of every wealthy man, the prodigal son was already wealthy. He did not need to collect his inheritance while his father was alive to prove to anyone that he was wealthy. So Mr. Prodigal Son retraced his steps back home and lived in affluence again despite what he had done against his father in the past. 

The widow of the indebted son of the prophet also probably came to the same realization when her late husband’s creditor threatened to come and take her two sons for slave labor. Suddenly, she realized that God could salvage their situation. So she ran to the prophet Elisha for a solution. Fortunately, she did not revert to her husband’s methods of borrowing to solve financial challenges. She chose to trust God to get her out a habit that if not curbed would become generational. She cried to God for a solution which surprisingly had been resident in her all these years when her husband went a borrowing and had mortgaged the destiny of their two sons into debt servitude. God in His infinite mercy chose to show mercy and spoke through the Prophet Elisha. The hitherto jar of oil that she probably considered insignificant and of little or zero monetary value actually had the capacity to transform their lives – give them more than enough money to pay off their debts as well as have enough to live on for the rest of their lives. They were free from the bondage and attendant slavery of debts. 

Beloved, God the bondage breaker had set them free from the affliction of debt and its attendant humiliation, shame, bondage and slavery. Significantly, God used the woman’s honest and sincere refusal to continue with the habit of borrowing to break and destroy what the enemy had intended as a legal ground to introduce debt servitude to the family.

The woman with the issue of blood had exhausted her financial resources on medics to no avail.  Rather than borrow and probably still not find a solution, she chose to seek Jesus, to touch the hem of His garment. That was the breakthrough. The pain, the shame, and humiliation of twelve years ceased and she was made whole without spending a dime.