Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Divine Treasures

                                       Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Divine  Treasures
Hidden riches of secret places
Treasures in Unlikely Places

Water everywhere, fresh and salty
Deep, shallow, narrow, wavy, stormy, frightful
Yet abundant in treasures
Treasures in abundant waters
Water in the desert?
Yes! Hagar and the Israelites in the wilderness
Water from the rock
Water that was healed
Samson, the Israelites and allied army going to war against Moab
So even in a desert or should I say financial desert of lack, insufficiency,
God will make available for you
Overflowing financial abundance
From unlikely sources in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

All You Have is What You Need

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Everything you need to resolve whatever needs, crisis, is within your reach through Christ Jesus (Philippians Chapter 4 verse 19) because God is your Shepherd and He has made abundant provision for all you need. It may appear small or insignificant but it would be wise to follow the advice of Scriptures in Zechariah Chapter 4 verses 6 to 10, “Do not despise the small beginning for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin”. Please see also Psalm 44 verse 3, Haggai Chapters 1 and 2, Job Chapter 8 verse 7, 42 verse 12, Ezekiel Chapter 36 verse 11.

Beloved, what you need is inside of you, within easy reach. Ask God to open your eyes of understanding to see it and give you the relevant wisdom to use it as He would have you use it to achieve the desired results you seek in Jesus mighty name. Please see Genesis Chapter 21 verse 19, 22 verses 13 to 14.

The widow of the indebted son of the prophet had what she referred to as only a jar of oil in the house. That jar of oil was more than sufficient to pay off the debts that threatened debt bondage  as well as provide abundant resources for them to live on for the rest of their lives because she obeyed the divine instructions from Prophet Elisha to use what she had to get what she desired. Please see 2nd Kings Chapter 4.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Speak Your Way to Wealth

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The word of God always has power to create beauty, love, wealth, life, etc out of nothing. The creative power of the word of God is evidenced in the Bible. Please see Romans Chapter 4 verses 17 to 25, Isaiah Chapter 55 verses 6 to 13, Numbers Chapter 23 verse 19. The Bible records that “And God said”; and there was a manifestation of the things He decreed – he called into being. Please see Genesis Chapter 1 for details of the creation story and Hebrews Chapter 11 verse 3, as well as Psalm 33 verses 6 to 9 for testimonies of the saints concerning the creative power in the word of God. Also, when Jesus thanked God for the few loaves of bread and fish that would feed the thousands; He was calling forth and creating abundance from what was available. He did not complain of insufficiency like the disciples. Instead, He thanked God who always knows how to multiply and compound whatever resources are brought before Him for multiplication and abundance. Please see John Chapter 6 verses 1 to 13 and Matthew Chapter 15 verses 32 to 39. Elisha did the same in 2nd Kings Chapter 3. Thanksgiving brings about multiplication and increase as well as abundance.  

The statement a person makes can either make or mar him or her. That is the difference between people who speak possibilities and impossibilities. The person who speaks possibilities always sees possibilities and therefore makes conscious efforts to make the possibilities realities. The same thing applies to the person who speaks impossibilities as s/he will always see impossibilities and therefore make no effort to dream not to talk of actualizing any dream. Beloved, it is possible to speak your way to wealth.  How? By confessing daily that you are created to make abundant wealth and that God endowed you with everything you need to make wealth. In the same manner, people speak lack and poverty into their lives through daily making statements of lack and poverty about themselves.

Monday, August 7, 2017

Impact Your Target Audience

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
Impact is the effect or influence that an eventsituation etc has on someone or something http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/impact.

God is the only one who truly impacts people, organizations, structures and nations. Therefore, to impact people, you have to be impacted by God and then God in you helps you to impact people to bring about the required positive change or transformation you want to see in people. Ultimately, this is what brings about fame.

It is God’s target audience for you whom you impact that takes you to the heights God has for you. The people you think are high up there that you patronize may not necessarily move you up the mark. I know people who rather than pursue the specifics of God’s plans and purposes for their lives, pursue connections to the famous, rich, those acknowledged and honored by society in the quest to move up the ladder of life. Significantly, that is where people always miss it. Stop running after the rich and famous so that you can be recognized in order to belong to their class. Instead, ask God to please, have mercy on you and forgive you, in Jesus mighty name, AMEN; so that He alone will help you get to the desired heights you seek.

Impact your target audience and God will promote you. The impact is to transform lives, not just routine products or services, not just different products or services, but products and services that IMPACT; that bring about positive transformation.

Friday, August 4, 2017

Swim Against the Tide 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

To start with, God is not the one opposing you in your journey to financial independence. It is the devil and his cohorts. Whoever, whatever comes out to attack you on your way to the land of promise is not of God and has no power over you as God has stripped them of all power to hurt you. Therefore, be determined to move forward. Dislodge the powers of darkness and opposition in prayers. If ever there was a time to pray it is now. Match them force for force and eliminate to dispossess them. Eliminate the opposition in prayers as the Apostle Paul did to the wild beasts of Ephesus. Prophesy the word of God to stem the satanic flood waters of financial lack so that you can destroy every opposition on your path, dispossess them and move on to the land of promise. Therefore, strike hard, eliminate them, dispossess them and move on to the land of promise on your knees.

Most likely, you will experience very fierce opposition even in prayers as you may not break through to God immediately, which is accessing the throne room of God. But keep asking God for mercy by the blood of Jesus Christ; confessing your sins and asking that the blood of Jesus Christ wipe away every handwriting that is contrary to you on account of whatever sin that the enemy may holding on to; to accuse you as well as to stop you from accessing the throne room to receive forgiveness, cleansing, healing and restoration in your finances.

Swim Against the Tide 1

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Is it possible to swim against the tide and what exactly is the tide? The tide referred to here is the tide of the floodwaters of financial challenges no matter the format in which they present.
God had long intervened in your finances and released financial abundance to you. But the enemy has been blockading your access to the financial abundance, resisting and opposing you spiritually, physically, mentally and in so many ways that you are probably beginning to doubt if God wants you to have any personal finances. Beloved, God did not create you to be poor, in lack, in debt and borrowing to live. He created you to prosper, be wealthy and to be happy. Whatever then limits you from prospering is not of God, is satanic and should be destroyed completely in Jesus mighty name.

The prince of Persia opposed the angel bringing God’s answer of healing and restoration to Daniel’s intercession, confession of sins and repentance in prayer accompanied by prayer and fasting by blocking the angel from reaching and accessing Daniel. The prince of Persia succeeded for twenty one days until archangel Michael came to the rescue and the angel was free to reach Daniel as Michael held forth and successfully so. The prince of Persia was not alone in the blockade and barricade of the angel’s access to Daniel (Daniel Chapter 10 verse 13). He came with the kings of Persia – though the number is not specified, kings stand for plural meaning they were more than one. Secondly, they were opposed to the angel’s visit to Daniel and therefore withstood him from accessing Daniel with God’s answer of peace. In like manner, the devil and his cohorts oppose, resist, fight the grace and goodness of God in our lives. They do this using different methodologies which the Bible refers to as wiles in Ephesians Chapter 6 verses 11 to 12; strongholds, arguments and high things that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God. Through these, they attempt to pollute the people of God to contaminate them and bring them into judgment so that the wrath of God rather than the mercy of God rests upon them.