Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Dynamics of Seeds 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

This also implies that anyone could be a seed sower if they put their minds to it because the truth is that God created everyone with seeds so that the seed should always be planted to produce a harvest of bread and more seeds for planting. But unfortunately, there are people like the wicked lazy servant and the prodigal son; that is when he had not repented who have no intention of planting seeds at all. It is too much trouble for them. They would rather have bread all day; even if it is at the expense and inconvenience of other people. They do not bother about applying themselves in any endeavor. They feel that family members, Church members, neighbors, their communities, their religious organizations, the government, God, everyone, even animals and natural elements of creation owe them an obligation to put bread on their table at all times. That explains why they get angry; are resentful when family members, the Church and people they always expect to put bread on their table refuse to do so because they have asked for bread too often so that making that provision always has become burdensome to family members.

Beloved, watch your life. God did not create you to be a burden to members of your family, Church, community, nation, etc. God created you to be a blessing to your family, Church, community, nation, organization. Therefore, your contribution to the growth of your family, your Church, community and nation should constitute what you always plan to do. Your mental processes should always be filled with how you can become a blessing and not how you can and should siphon blessings from other people. God did not create you to be a leech, preying on other people. Therefore, grow up and stop being a leech, a gold digger and a fortune hunter.                      

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The Dynamics of Seeds

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Seeds are productive resources which multiply and compound when planted and nurtured as they should be; that is to say that they are planted in the right soil where they should be planted and when they should be planted; nurtured the way they should be nurtured. Otherwise, that is to say that if they are not planted where they should be planted; or planted and not nurtured, they could go to waste and never produce a harvest.

The young man void of understanding is an example of someone who planted seed seeds in the right soil but refused to care for them. He lost a great harvest through lack of care simply because he refused to discipline himself.

The prodigal son is a different ball game. He simply did not know that seeds are economic resources, productive resources designed to multiply and compound. That explains why he frittered his financial resources on riotous living – wild parties and heavy drinking which do not yield profits and dividends. If he had invested that money, he would not have come to penury and lack. However, coming to penury and lack was a good thing for him as it helped to clear the foolishness of treating seeds as bread out of his head.

Beloved, the Scripture records that God gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater in 2nd Corinthians Chapter 9 verses 10 to 12. This implies that there are people who are seed sowers – whatever comes to them are regarded as seeds and are planted where and when they should be planted. They do not eat or fritter the seeds. They invest seeds so that the seeds would multiply and compound. These are the people who keep reinvesting their initial capital as well as profits made to expand their business or businesses. They are also the ones who are always developing themselves as career people not just so that they would be promoted but so that their output is enhanced. They are the ones who personally pay to attend workshops and seminars for self-improvement. They are the ones who read and study professional books as well as other books to expand their knowledge base as well as broaden their horizon. They are the ones who network to find opportunities for collaboration. They do stay idle and static; content to work eight to five every day, staring at a computer; doing the daily grind without offering new insight. These seed sowers always have something new, inspiring and profitable to offer to enhance the quality of work they do; to contribute to the growth of the organization and be globally respected.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How to Correct Negative Financial Behaviors 4

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Start Walking

Beloved, it is high time you learnt some life lessons from the prodigal son who frittered his inheritance on riotous living. Rather than wait for the demise of his father to receive his inheritance, he requested the inheritance from his father and the moment he received it; huge sums of money he never labored for; he traveled to a city or town where no one would supervise him and went on a binge with like minded people. They painted that city or town red with wild parties and heavy drinking at his expense – again recall that he did not labor for the money so he probably had no idea that he was frittering the money? Why? Unknown to him, financial resources multiply and compound when they are invested in productive economic activities and not wild parties and heavy drinking.

Soon, surprisingly quite soon, they stopped painting the town red because their wild parties and heavy drinking suddenly came to an end; not because they got tired of such revelry but because the prodigal son no longer had the financial muscles to fund the parties and drinks. He was left in the lurch as his waste partners left him to seek other providers of such revelry. Fortunately for the prodigal son, he had nowhere to go.

Penniless and hungry, he sought employment in a piggery but his income was not even a living wage and he came close to eating the pods he fed the pigs. That was when he came to his senses – what exactly was he doing in a place like that? How did he end up like that – someone who had not really labored; who had the best life had to offer; my oh my, it was time to retrace his steps home and offer to work in his father’s farm. After all, his father’s employees earned good salaries and fed well. He opted to return home and was restored to his former position. He did not even have to labor.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

How to Correct Negative Financial Behaviors 3

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Start Walking.

Are you crippled by the negative experiences which plagued you in life? Is your financial situation so bad that you are as good as financially crippled in life; with no one to turn to for assistance anymore because you have practically maxed out whatever assistance you should receive?

You have borrowed from friends, neighbors, family members, colleagues at work and even financial institutions and barely paid back. In point of fact, the only reason you paid back was so the harassments by your creditors would come to an end. And unfortunately for you, your creditors learnt their lessons; particularly the ones you refused to pay back. You would never ever get a dime from them again. And the ones you delayed in paying back also took decisions to blacklist you. You would never ever get a dime from them again even if you offered to pay back with high interest rates because they are fed up with your tales by moonlight.

Beloved, you have also maxed out on the generosity of kind hearted people who always blessed you with financial resources until they discovered that your financial crisis was a result of your gross financial indiscipline manifested in your refusal to honor God with your resources, your constant recourse to impress people with gifts you do not own and cannot afford; just to give the impression that you are financially comfortable whereas you are not; your uncontrolled drinking habit and the drinking sprees fund with borrowed money which you have no hope of paying back except you rob Peter to pay Paul in your characteristic manner; putting up structures with other people’s money which you have no intention of paying back or paying back at your convenience which unfortunately never comes.