Sunday, January 31, 2021

Remove Limitations

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Limitations should not deter you. You should not allow yourself to be intimidated or discouraged by limitations. The ten spies were intimidated by what appeared to be limitations and rather than hand over the supposed limitations to God, they transferred their fears and consequent discouragement blown out of proportion into hopelessness to the rest of the people. The consequence was the decision of the people to return to Egypt which aroused the anger of God against the people. They were afraid of being killed by the supposed giants in the land they happily left Egypt for. Why?

A limitation blown out of proportion! These were the same people who sidetracked the limitation of the Red Sea by crying out to God for help. Though the Red Sea constituted a limitation to their forward movement was not removed, God made a way through the Red Sea. What then stopped them from asking God for help to deal with the supposed limitation of the giants and the supposed land which consumed its people?

Limitations are actually satanic; designed to be barriers against divine progress to God’s plans and purposes for His children. But when they are handed over to God in prayer for help, they are either easily sidetracked or removed completely by God.

The intimidating and insurmountable wall of Jericho is a case in point. How on earth would the Israelites go through that fortress deliberately barricaded against them by the people of Jericho? But God Who always makes a way where there is no way brought down the wall of Jericho without explosives. All the people did was to praise the Lord. Is it then possible that quality praise to God Almighty could be divine mighty explosives to remove some of what appear to be insurmountable challenges in your pathway to divine purpose?

Financial abundance is your God given portion in Christ Jesus and that should be pursuing you every day and not you running after money which always appears to have elusive wings to fly away just when you need it.

Beloved, there will be no more limitations occasioned by lack and insufficiency in your life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. It is abundance all the time, all the way in every sphere of your life in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Some Biblical examples who experienced abundance all the time by the Spirit of God include Kings David, Solomon, Jehoshaphat, Hezekiah; the virtuous woman, Isaac, Abraham, Jacob and Esau, the liberal soul in  Proverbs Chapter 11 verses 24 to 26, the wisdom in Proverbs Chapter 27 verses 23 to 27.

Therefore, Stop pursuing what should be pursuing you. Manage financial abundance and not poverty; now and beyond, not by might nor by power but by the Spirit of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. It can only get better. Though thy beginning was small, thy latter days shall be great. God has broken the gates of brass and cut the bars of iron in sunder in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. God has destroyed the yoke of lack and financial insufficiency to give you financial abundance in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Please read Joshua Chapters 3 to 5, take note of verse 9 of Chapter 5. No more limits in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. God has given you victory through Christ Jesus.

It is restoration, full restoration in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The Lord will increase you more and more; you and your children in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. God is opening doors of great increase, exponential increase in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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