Friday, March 20, 2015

Utterances and Actions that Enhance Divine Destinies

Excerpts from Maximize Relationships by Uyoyou C. Charles-Iyoha

The house of God was rebuilt in Jerusalem through the prophesying of Haggai the Prophet and obedience of Zechariah, the son of Iddo as well as the Judeans that he governed. The positive declarations of these prophets, words from the heart of God strengthened the Jews, broke through and destroyed every satanic opposition and barrier. The house of God was rebuilt, normal and true worship was resumed and the people were blessed by God. Please see Haggai Chapters 1 and 2.

Barak prospered by the prophesying of Deborah. He was wise enough to associate with a wise woman who heard God clearly and delivered God’s message without diluting it. Please see Judges Chapter 4.
The associations, the spiritual environment surrounding the associations, the utterances, the intent of the heart including wishes and desires go a long way in determining divine destinies. If you stay with people who speak positive words to your life, you will be fruitful; you will fulfill purpose like the Jews.

If you celebrate light, excellence and limelight, you will be charting your own paths to excellence, limelight and greatness through associating with people of excellence, greatness and limelight. Associate with greatness, excellence, limelight by associating with people who fear and love and respect God. Those are the people that God promotes. Those are the people that God brings to the limelight. Bible examples include Abraham, Noah, Joseph, Hannah, Daniel, David, Abel, Enoch, Moses, Isaac, Joshua, Esther and Mordecai as well as Gideon and the men of war that God asked him to reduce to three hundred men. It is not that the other warriors were not skilled men of war. But in this particular war, God required only Gideon and the three hundred men so that God’s glory will not be shared with man.

If your destiny is to unfold, you must let go of certain relationships. To move to your next level, there are people you must separate yourself completely from. This is very critical for you to get to the next level God is taking you to.  Whatever it is God called you to do; you can be sure that He will give you the corresponding anointing to succeed. You can move and do that which God calls you to. Destiny separates the chaff from the grain. Build empowering relationships by identifying people with the grace of God who share in your vision. These are the people to spend time with in prayer, praise and word study.

In conclusion, relationships are very dear to God which explains why He gave several instructions in the Bible on how people should relate with one another. I believe the Bible and will do anything to live in peace with all men as instructed by the Bible. But that does not mean that I will maintain relations with people who want me to become a prostitute or drug user or an accuser of the brethren. What to do in such situations especially when they involve family members is to act with the wisdom of God.

Also, I do not believe in divorce. I believe that God can heal and save any marriage, any family no matter how bad the situation is. If He could raise a dead Lazarus about to decay from the dead, He can restore any marriage or family if He is invited in to the affairs of the couple or family. I therefore plead with couples not to walk out on their spouses, children not to walk out on their parents or other members of their family and parents not to disown their children. Some situations can be especially tacky and trying. Nevertheless, make plenty of room for the Holy Spirit to always take His place in such situations. A friend of mine discovered that her mother and her mother’s family had consistently lied to her about her paternity. She was told that her father died before she was born. But eventually, she discovered that her father was alive and she was the product of a fling. She searched for and found her father and forgave everyone involved in the cover up. Today, she is happy with both families.

While I caution against purpose limiting relationships, I also advise that you cooperate with the Holy Spirit in patiently navigating extremely difficult relationships which ultimately serve the purposes of God for your life. A great example which readily comes to mind is the Lord Jesus Christ and Judas Iscariot. Jesus knew that Judas was a thief and that he would eventually betray him, yet he chose him as a disciple. Eventually Judas served his purpose and betrayed Jesus Christ for thirty pieces of silver and Jesus was crucified, died the death of a sinner so that humanity can be saved. This does not suggest that you go look for a Judas to cut short your life. You are not Jesus Christ and will not rise on the third day.

Potiphar’s wife for instance played a very significant role in Joseph’s life. Joseph went to prison because of the lies she told. Her role would have been purpose limiting if Joseph succumbed to her temptations.  But Joseph feared and honored God and though he went to prison, all things eventually worked for good as the prison was the meeting point between Joseph and Pharaoh’s butler and baker. Though Joseph’s brothers wronged him by selling him off to Midianite traders’ on their way to Egypt, their action served in the fulfillment of God’s purpose for Joseph.

What I mean is that when the need arises; make the most of difficult people and situations. That is why I included the piece on how to make the most of difficult people in this book. Honestly, I believe I have had more than my fair share of difficult people yet I always encounter them and just when I think I am through with one, another one shows up.

Also do not get bitter, hate and hold people in unforgiveness even when they are purpose limiting. The most you can do is separate from them but never forget to apply the wisdom of God. Abraham separated peacefully from his nephew, Lot.

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