Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Walk in Financial Dominion 2

Excerpts from Walk in Financial Dominion by Uyoyou C. Charles-Iyoha

Money management is distinct from making do with extremely limited resources. It simply means, using money alongside other productive resources to make more money, multiply and compound money for optimal returns and kingdom purposes.

A walk in financial dominion calls for a radical and strategic mental paradigm shift of beliefs, values as well as orientation on the part of whoever passionately desires to walk in financial dominion.  One of the shifts will be to acknowledge God as the Shepherd of one's life in every area of life. The Psalmist in Psalm Chapter 23 says that it takes a Shepherd, divinely shepherding obedient sheep to walk in green pastures (financial dominion). This explains why the Psalmist had everything he needed including the well furnished table prepared for him by God in the presence of his enemies. The Psalmist identifies this Shepherd as Jehovah the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscient God, Creator and Owner of the Universe. He created everything there is in heaven and the earth and therefore knows exactly how everything works and will work in response to His commands and utterances coupled with the needs and wants a person will ever need to meet. This is why a walk in financial dominion begins with God and ends in God. He is the only Shepherd who knows the way to the hidden treasures of the heavens and the earth. He is also the One who gives financial intelligence, increase and the power to make wealth. Anyone endowed with great wealth is simply a faithful steward of His overflowing resources described in Psalm Chapter 24 verse 1, Malachi Chapter 3 verse 10, Deuteronomy Chapters 8 verses 1 to 18, 11 verses 7 to 15 and 28 verses 1 to 13.

The power to make wealth refers to the gifts of God in a human being. Such gifts comprise natural talents, skills and divine ideas for making money which I choose to call seeds for sowing that God multiplies to give financial harvests. These seeds on their own do not multiply until they are sown. More importantly, they have to be sown knowledgeably. There is therefore the need for understanding and wisdom to turn the natural talent and divine ideas into a money spinning machine through which a person can walk in financial dominion.  Perhaps the very raw talent will need honing (refining and polishing) which is usually the case and thereafter, it is smooth sailing and maintenance.  However, the challenges of accurate identification of the talent coupled with knowing what to do with the talent in order to bring glory to God and knowing when to launch out with the talent, (that is the opportune time in history and space for maximum effect determines the ability of these seeds to germinate and multiply).  Additionally, knowing how to use and hone the talent through consciously acquired education from formal or informal schooling, personal studying of books, tapes, CDs, documentaries, observation whether at close range or at a distance is very important. So also is mastering the use of the talent so that it becomes second nature. Significantly, having the grace to appreciate the gift of the talent coupled with having the grace to further refine the talent as well as the boldness to allow the gift speak for you through constant use and consistent application of the gift are critically important in ensuring that your  gift becomes a tool for walking in financial dominion.

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