Thursday, May 18, 2017

Soul winning Births Wealth

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Soul winning is not struggling for positions but service to humanity – Luke Chapter 24. It  is about doing good to the people. You are a soul winner when lives are positively impacted for Christ. The gospel and not personal lives or wealth should be preached. Jesus had vision, mission statements and a clear job description – Luke Chapter 4. Jesus did not act independently. He acted on the father’s instruction based on the divine mandate he received. The presence of the Holy Spirit is Who you need to minister. If God is in it, then go ahead. Soul winning is not about crowd, it is about impact. The primary reason for Pentecost was for believers to become effective witnesses of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Pentecost was therefore designed for believers to receive power to become witnesses to God on a global scale To witness is to give evidence or be an evidence yourself, in this case proof of the resurrection of Jesus Christ in the lives of believers.  That is why the Holy Spirit was given to believers.

Jesus gave procedural instructions on how to bear witness of Him. First, from your home, in your community, nation and then on a global scale so that if you are effective witnesses at home, then you can succeed outside. To be an effective witness, your lifestyle should reflect the nature of Christ. The world out there does not see Jesus physically. They see Jesus through you (Acts Chapter 4 verse 13, John Chapter 1 verses 40 to 46). The world around you needs to see the character of Jesus in you. Your qualitative lifestyle – changed lifestyle in appearance, talk is a proof that Jesus is raised and is a tool for evangelism. There must be a clear difference in the behavior patterns of believers and unbelievers. We should live lives that other people can copy. What people want to see is the proof of your encounter with Christ (Romans Chapter 2 verse 24). It is one thing to proclaim the resurrection and another to reflect the glory of His resurrection. There must be a difference between a believer and an unbeliever in their lifestyles. This is what the Apostle Paul meant in 2nd Corinthians Chapter 3 verses 1 to 3. Our lifestyles commend and recommend people to Christ. You are the Bible that those who have no access to the bible will ever read. Therefore, you must live the Christlike life. Jesus lived the life he preached and Jesus was teaching through His lifestyle. 1st Corinthians Chapter 4 verse 16. Paul did not preach a single message. But the manner in which he handled the viper attack made the people refer to him as a god. Wherever you are, you are an open Bible that people need.

If your lifestyle does not support evangelism, then it is a blasphemy. As Christians, we are expected to live exemplary lifestyles that glorify God (Matthew Chapter 5 verse 14). Your lifestyle is the beginning of evangelism (Acts Chapter 1 verse 1). Some of us wear character masks (2nd Thessalonians Chapter 3 verse 16). It is possible for a child of God to be a negative witness.

In the realm of the spirit there is a networking of souls – a diligent search for souls is what God expects of us. You are expected to be connected to the network of souls as well as find someone to connect to the network – John Chapter 4 verses 28 to 43. This woman was the first Apostle in Samaria. She led a city to Christ. You can also lead communities to Christ. This is critically important because we are in the end times.

Who found you – do you remember his or her name? Who have you found? Bring in the unsaved and unchurched and not people moving from one denomination or branch of a denomination to the other.

Persecution expanded the geographical scope of preaching the gospel as the Christians who fled from Jerusalem to other lands such as Phoenicia, Cyprus and Antioch preached the gospel there and a number of people believed and were added to the Church. Acts Chapter 11 verses 19 to 21. Consequently the Church grew spiritually, numerically and financially.

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