Written by
Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
The Holy Spirit
gives the ability to be creative, innovative and enterprising. Believers have
more potential to make more money if only they will ask from God. This is because
the Holy Spirit who resides in every God fearing and obeying believer is the
One Who gives illumination for innovation. He gave Joseph the fourteen year
plan for ensuring food security in Egypt.
There had been
surplus harvests in the past just as there had been famines in the past. In the
days of Abraham, there was a famine. In point of fact, it was famine that made
Abraham move from Bethel to Egypt. But for the intervention of God, Abraham
would have lost his beautiful wife, Sarah to Pharaoh. Fortunately, Abraham was
enriched and left Egypt. Please read Genesis Chapter 12 verses 8 to 20. Yet
another famine made Isaac, the son of Abraham want to move from Gerar. But God
instructed Isaac to stay on in Gerar despite the famine. Isaac stayed on and
God gave him the requisite wisdom to innovate on existing best practices that
leapfrogged the famine in the land.
Isaac was
subsequently enriched, in point of fact, so rich that the Philistines envied
him. Isaac did not run away from the challenges in the land. Rather, he
innovated on existing best practices to circumnavigate the challenges in the
land. He was successful. This implies that challenges are sometimes stepping
stones. Please read Genesis Chapter 26.