Friday, January 24, 2020

The Link between Zero Waste and Prosperity 3

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Additionally, every divine opportunity and platform to showcase your divine gifts is also harvest time as it is a platform to plant your seeds and because every seed germinates and fruits, a harvest awaits you. Therefore, do not be like the man who refused to plant because of winter – Proverbs Chapter 20 verse 4 or the one who is always  seeing fierce lions that are very determined to kill him in the streets – Proverbs Chapters 22 verse 13, 26 verse 13. Rather, be like the virtuous woman of Proverbs Chapter 31 verses 10 to 31 who always took advantage of opportunities as the Bible instructs in Ecclesiastes Chapter 11 verses 1 to 6. Thereafter, take instructions on caring for your seeds, pre-planted, planted and harvested from Isaiah Chapter 28 verses 23 to 29, and Proverbs Chapter 27 verses 23 to 27. 

Any one or people who fritters and waste divine resources are actually begging poverty to visit them speedily. This is because saved up resources, well managed resources always translate into surplus while wasted resources is as good as multiplying zero by zero or adding zero to zero to get zero. If the people of the Biblical Egypt had not paid attention to Joseph and wasted the surplus food resources from the bountiful harvests of seven years, they would have probably alongside their neighbours and other nations who came to buy food from them in Egypt gone into extinction on account of famine and hunger. Even if they had resorted to cannibalism, seven years was plenty of time for them to eat each other up. Please read Genesis Chapter 50 verses 18 to 21. Fortunately, Pharaoh and his court not only paid attention, Joseph was also appointed to manage the resources of Egypt. And succeed greatly he did; ensuring food security for more than seven years until the long drought was over.

On two different occasions, Jesus Christ fed the hungry multitudes with seemingly insignificant food resources which multiplied and compounded into abundant and significant food resources that were more than enough for the multitudes. Significantly and this is quite instructive about adopting a zero waste policy and maintaining a zero waste attitude. Jesus Christ instructed his disciples to collect the surplus and when it was collected, it was also measured to ascertain the value.

Beloved, you may start off a business or an enterprise with what you consider seemingly insignificant resources (Job Chapters 8 verse 7; 42 verse 12, Zechariah Chapter 4 verse 10, 2nd Kings Chapter 4 verses 1 to 7) but as God breathes His great love and increase into that business; and you diligently operate a zero waste policy and maintain a zero waste attitude, God will definitely enlarge you and expand you to be a lender to the nations in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Some of the outstanding global brands started small but overtime, they expanded into the big global brands that they are today.

The lazy man already had food; ironically set in front of him and his hand was already in the bowl yet it was too much trouble for him to put the food in his mouth.

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