Friday, March 13, 2020

The Link Between Zero Waste and Prosperity 8

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

How to Safeguard the Harvests

Sustained bountiful harvests lead to overflowing abundance and obedience to God and His word lead to sustained bountiful harvests. Please read Genesis Chapter 26 verses 12 to 14 and Leviticus Chapter 26 verses 3 to 10.

Zero waste is one of the keys to prosperity. There is a clear link between zero waste and prosperity. Zero waste always translates into surplus, abundance, sustainable resource management and wealth. Zero waste management of whatever resources God puts in the hand of a person, a family, an institution, community or nation always translates to or culminates in surplus and abounding abundance. This implies that zero waste is critical to ensuring sustainable resource management as well as key factor in creating sustainable generational wealth.

Severally in the Scriptures, God cautions against waste. The biblical Joseph for instance was used by God to ensure food security as well as stave off famine and hunger for more than seven years; not only in Egypt but globally. The food security strategy proffered by Joseph to Pharaoh and his court ensured that the surplus food resources from the seven years of bountiful harvests were saved up and stored away safely for the people of Egypt and their immediate neighbours. Zero waste averted famine, hunger and destruction.

A farmer plows the ground; that is prepare the ground for planting at a particular season and place; and when that is done, the farmer stops plowing or preparing the ground because that aspect of the seed planting has been done; hopefully at the right time; right season and right place. The farmer should not continue plowing or preparing the ground endlessly as if he or she is dancing in a vicious circle of unending wandering without any purpose. After all, a ground is prepared for planting and not just for the sake of preparing a ground endlessly. Therefore, plant the right seeds in the right spaces, nurture them aright, harvest at the right time and process them aright to ensure zero waste and prosperity.  Endless preparation without implementation is as good as waste as it does not generate any returns, therefore no prosperity. Ask God for the wisdom to implement. Please read Isaiah Chapter 28 verses 23 to 25. Thereafter, you care for the plants until harvest time and harvest them as they should be harvested; applying different techniques relevant to each crop; and thereafter process each harvested crop as they should be processed so that you do not lose the harvest. Thereafter, utilize the processed harvests for bread and whatever.

You can also ensure zero waste through intercession. The Apostle Paul labored in fervent prayers for his converts to remain rooted in Christ. Please read Galatians Chapter 4 verse 19. The early Church also labored in prayers for the word of God to spread everywhere in the world. Please read Acts Chapters 4 verse 31, 6 verses 1 to 10 so that the knowledge and glory of the Lord would be in all the earth – Isaiah Chapters 6 verse, 3, 11 verse 9, and Habakkuk Chapter 2 verse 14.  You can also pray fervently for all your planted seeds to germinate, flourish into bountiful harvests and ensure zero waste that will give you prosperity.

Through efficient maintenance – anything you maintain appreciates in value while anything you neglect depreciates in value be they spiritual, mental, physical, financial, etc.  Manage your resources with the wisdom of God; be resourceful, be financially, tech and media savvy.

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