Friday, October 30, 2020

Become a Global Brand

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

God called you to a global audience and not a local community audience. You may have been called from a local community that is not even known globally yet like the Biblical Prophet Jeremiah, you are called to serve a global audience which God prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

Therefore, get to work and take advantage of whatever intangible and tangible assets that God blessed you with. You can start local but you are a global brand. So do not get into unnecessary contention and activities which take you away from your global audience. Work at excelling at what you do so that you can become a much preferred global brand. People everywhere love quality goods and services and if you attach great quality to whatever you do, it will not be long before you become a key, important and strategic player in the global market.

You may appear to currently lack the resources you require to serve a global audience but beloved child of God, think a little strategically and you will discover that everything you require to serve your divinely chosen global audience is embedded in you in Christ Jesus. All you need to is yield completely to Christ Jesus and you will access everything you require effortlessly from God’s throne of grace.

Do not waste God’s precious time as well as yours listening to tales told by people who have no relationship with Christ and have carefully crafted tales about how you cannot rise beyond community level to global level. Ignore them and their tales and pay attention to what God is saying to you through the Holy Spirit. Whether you believe it or not, you have a growing audience online which is where your audience is, therefore pay attention to your audience and grow your brand online.  

Recall that the brothers of the Biblical Joseph did not believe that Joseph would ever become a global brand and even when they became threatened, they attempted to kill him and when that plan was scuttled by their elder brother Reuben, they sold Joseph off into slavery. Unknown to them, they were simply facilitating the processes that would eventually make Joseph the global leader of his day.

Beloved, it is your time and turn to be a celebrated global brand. Arise and shine now that the spotlight is on you. Showcase your divine gifts and the excellent work you have always done behind the scenes in the global market place and watch the world celebrate you. God bless you as you boldly rise to the occasion as Joseph did in Egypt by interpreting the dreams of Pharaoh and proffering solutions to the challenges posed by the dreams; as Daniel did in Babylon by telling the dream King Nebuchadnezzar dreamt and forgot in addition to telling the interpretation of the dream.


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