Friday, October 30, 2020

Create Wealth

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Do not manage or alleviate poverty. Create wealth. Make wealth happen. Become an active participant in the global wealth making process. Take up your space and become a wealth creator.

Poverty resides in the mindset and mental processes of people. Therefore, to eliminate or eradicate poverty, you need to work on your mindset and mental processes; to ensure a mental paradigm shift from managing poverty to creating wealth. This implies that you must enhance your personal capacity to think so that you can always think creatively and strategically outside of the box in order to create wealth.

To think creatively and strategically then requires that you get rid of whatever mental clutter that had been obstructing your mental processes irrespective of the size. Mental clutter always constitutes obstacles to progress and they impede progress in the creative and strategic planning process. Muddled up mental processes do not think and therefore cannot think creatively and strategically outside of the box. This is because they worry and fret rather than think.

Thinking is hard work which requires that you deploy your creative juices to get out of miry situations; as well as access wealth, billions and trillions. This may appear herculean if you are not used to thinking creatively and strategically. But the good news is that it can be done if you simply cooperate with the Holy Spirit to deploy your mental processes in being a blessing to humanity.

To create wealth requires that you become a good manager of resources so that you always multiply and compound resources. Every creator of wealth requires managerial skills for optimal deployment of resources. This also implies that you have to learn to recognize resources. 

The parable of the talents teaches on managerial skills, the management ability of the three servants. The distribution of resources is according to the capacity of the servants to manage resources and not an answer to prayer or needs. You can and should always ask God for the grace to be a great manager of resources.

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