Friday, November 13, 2020

Write Your Way to Wealth

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You can actually write your way to wealth by generating life transforming content, which is engaging and enriching. Some very wealthy writers are J.K.Rowling and Linda Ikeji

You will need to collect the resources you require to write whatever it is you need to write by collecting your thoughts on what you want to write about. This refers to high quality of thoughts – carefully thought out ideas and words, phrases, paragraphs, opening, middle and closing paragraphs. That is why you must be diligent in the production of your books, blogsposts, videos and podcasts. You should pay attention to details, dot every i and cross every t; be certain that whatever you write is what God wants to say to His people and not necessarily what you think He should say or you should say or add to what God wants to say to His people.

You will also need to collect any other additional information which you may require to ensure you have great content. This means that you will write with greater depth, knowledge, understanding and wisdom to bring divine transformation in the lives of the people God wants you to write for. It also implies that you do not always have to state the obvious in your writing. People already know the obvious. What people want is how the obvious can be applied to the daily grind of their lives to bring about their desired expectations and transformation. So it is not about quantity but quality - what exactly God wants to bless His people with, what will bring God’s healing unction on and to the nations. What is therefore key and strategic is that your writing impacts and transforms lives for God.     

Do not write to please the world, the way other supposedly successful writers are writing. Write to please God and God will raise faithful followers, buyers and reviewers for you. Writing and publishing is a great tool and platform to take the message, the word, the prophecies God has for His people to the nations of the world. It is not necessarily boarding flights to several destinations in the world. The books will go where you cannot go, the podcasts and videos too will also go where you cannot go.

The gift of writing and related gifts such as editing, publishing, book reviews, marketing, research, training, speaking are for money making and not necessarily for frivolities or working the lands of other people for free. Use your gift of writing and related skills to make money in addition to writing and selling your own books. Therefore, write and publish books, blog posts; do not give up or give in. Post. Publish and sell until you see the desired results.

You will also learn to brand your writings, writing style, work on book descriptions, videos, etc. Brand is the quality of service/product strictly adhered to over time. Work on your brand. Use great aesthetic appeal – something that would compel people to want to take a second look. This means that you must add value to what you do – give your content great value. Always ask yourself some very pertinent questions such as; is what I have written great content. Is my light shining, is the content a blessing? What brings about transformation in the lives of people?

Additionally, always be conscious of and work on great aesthetic appeal in terms of having great book covers, great intros, and great titles for books, blog posts and videos if you have videos on YouTube et al. All of these in addition to whatever else you do on social media will give you the very much desired strategic positioning that you require to blossom as a writer. Please read Mark Chapter 7 verse 24 as well as Matthew Chapter 5 verses 13 to 16.

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