Monday, November 9, 2020

Create Wealth 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

IT IS POSSIBLE.  Wealth does not reside in the stratosphere. Wealth resides in your mind. Therefore, dig the wealth you desire and which other people require from you out of your mind by thinking creatively and strategically on how to access great wealth as well as bless humanity with great wealth.

A fervent loving relationship with God is always a precursor to great wealth. King Solomon chose to invest in such a relationship with God. God rewarded him with great wisdom, great wealth and long life. People came from far and wide and blessed him with great wealth. He also invested in businesses, working with people from other nations. While creating personal and national wealth, King Solomon also made other people wealthy. The people who worked for him also became wealthy from doing businesses with him and working for him.

God is awesome. He granted King Solomon divine access to great wealth, a clear demonstration of what is recorded in Proverbs Chapter 8 verses 13 to 21, Isaiah Chapters 45 verses 1 to 3 and 60. It is also quite significant and instructive to know that King Solomon did not sit pretty to wait for the divinely promised wealth to land on him like a bag of cherries. He activated the wealth by investing in businesses; partnering with people who knew and understood them.

Secondly, King Solomon had great integrity. He did not undercut anyone of his partners in the process of doing business with them. He also shared profits with them. It was a win win for everyone concerned. It is also not on record that the people who bought goods from King Solomon’s partners complained of being cheated or being supplied with low quality goods.

Beloved, you can create great wealth if you walk by the leading of the Holy Spirit and conduct your business in the manner He instructs you to. But if you focus on money as the primary resource for wealth creation and living wealthy, you may never become wealthy. But if you focus on divine purpose as well as other resources for wealth creation; some of which are already embedded in you and which you can trade in for money if well packaged into borrowed vessels; vessels which can be borrowed from family members, friends, neighbors, Church members, and anyone you can think of, you are well on your way to making great wealth. Recall that the widow of the indebted prophet paid off the family debt with money made from selling oil packaged into borrowed vessels.

It is your turn and time to make great wealth, pay off debts if you have accumulated any and walk in financial freedom for the rest of your life. It is also instructive to note that paying off all debts and living debt free gives you mental freedom to create wealth. Therefore, pay off all debts and as much as possible always live debt free. You do not need the worries and anxieties of being indebted to people and institutions who are money traders and would do anything to skin their money out of you.

May God Who is always rich in mercy grant you great grace and wisdom in your journey to creating great wealth in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.

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