Monday, December 28, 2020

Master Craftsman

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You are here to create as God would have you create. Therefore, show great concentration and tactical discipline. Be more tactical.

Arise and walk through the land. Be observant. Take note of whatever God wants you to take note. Exercise incredible powers of observation as you do so; so that you can easily enlarge the place of your tent. Enlarge the place of your tent spiritually, physically, mentally, financially, materially and intellectually. You will experience expansion on all sides in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Set timelines but let God decide – Elijah said three and half years but God chose to stop the famine before then. There is a time for everything, God’s appointed time for specific activities, assignments and relationships.

Do not be negligent. Rein in your thoughts to meditation, prayer and prophesying. Do away with the sins of inattention, wandering thoughts, suspicion and engaging in strife and contention.

Initiate change when the need arises. Initiate the processes leading up to expansion such as the lengthening of the cords and the strengthening of the stakes.

The four lepers initiated change when they left their comfort zone at the gates of Samaria to go to the camp of the Syrian army. When the prophet spoke, the lepers made a sacrifice. They left their comfort zone -where they received alms – Psalm 37 verse 4 to the camp of the Syrians. They found abundance. Significantly, it was the anti change mindset of the officer that edged him out of the sudden abundance God created after a time of famine which culminated in women eating up their children as recorded in 2nd Kings Chapters 6 verses 24 to 7 verses  1 to 29. For every change at every level of life, you must initiate it. When God is at work, all other theories are suspended.

Spread the word, extend the reach to grow your business


Let out your nets for a catch, a great catch.

Train to delegate because you will need skilled human resources to assist you as you expand on all sides.

Rule in the midst of your enemies. Do not allow your opponent to know your moves because if s/he does, s/he will use those moves against you.

Pray without ceasing because the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous person avails much. God takes over when all our efforts are over. He takes over to give us the very much needed victory.


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