by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
The word of God always has power to create beauty,
love, wealth, life, etc out of nothing. The creative power of the word of God
is evidenced in the Bible. Please see Romans Chapter 4 verses 17 to 25, Isaiah
Chapter 55 verses 6 to 13, Numbers Chapter 23 verse 19. The Bible records that
“And God said”; and there was a manifestation of the things He decreed – he
called into being. Please see Genesis Chapter 1 for details of the creation
story and Hebrews Chapter 11 verse 3, as well as Psalm 33 verses 6 to 9 for
testimonies of the saints concerning the creative power in the word of God.
Also, when Jesus thanked God for the few loaves of bread and fish that would
feed the thousands; He was calling forth and creating abundance from what was
available. He did not complain of insufficiency like the disciples. Instead, He
thanked God who always knows how to multiply and compound whatever resources
are brought before Him for multiplication and abundance. Please see John
Chapter 6 verses 1 to 13 and Matthew Chapter 15 verses 32 to 39. Elisha did the
same in 2nd Kings Chapter 3. Thanksgiving brings about
multiplication and increase as well as abundance.

Do you know the word of God concerning you and your
financial position in Christ Jesus; and if yes, do you understand the word? Have
you internalized that word, is it real to you, do you believe the word,
practice the word, live the word and prophesy the word to you, confess the word
in discussions and conversations?
The Bible records that Jesus Christ became poor so
that you will become rich. If Jesus has paid the price for you to make wealth,
why then do you confess lack and poverty instead of abundance and wealth? The
Bible also records that God gives you the power to make wealth. Please see
Deuteronomy Chapters 8 verse, 15 verse 6 and 28 verses 12 and 13. Why would God
give you the power to make wealth and you then short change yourself by
confessing that you are a poor person?
Ezekiel obeyed God and prophesied to the very many dry
bones in the valley. As he obeyed God, the bones came together, took on flesh,
received breath and became a mighty army. Please see Ezekiel Chapter 37.
Beloved, I dare you to call those things which do not exist as though they did.
Please see Job Chapter 22 verse 28, John
Chapter 6 verse 63.
You are a carrier of great wealth, in fact
generational wealth. Birth that wealth through what you speak. Make positive
Scripture backed confessions about wealth in Jesus mighty name. God will back
up His words that you speak in Jesus mighty name.
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