Thursday, August 16, 2018

Reorganize Your way to Wealth

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Reorganize your schedules – schedule times for quality fellowship with God, daily prayers, Bible reading and study, fasting, praise and worship. Also create time for additional study on your industry to broaden your knowledge base as well as access network and collaboration opportunities. Also, schedule quality time in enabling business environments to meet with business associates to network, exchange ideas and even take decisions to partner with them. These are not things you jump out of bed to do. You organize your schedule such activities so that your schedule is not haphazard but proactive, meetings with people and activities are scheduled to achieve divine purposes because they are planned and therefore outcomes are expected.

Value and Respect Time
What you do with the time allocated to you on a daily basis, whether by investing it or frittering it speaks volumes. Time invested translates to success, wealth, fame, honor, accomplishment of divine purpose while time frittered unfortunately leads to poverty, shame, dishonor and humiliation. The sad story of the young man devoid of understanding Proverbs Chapter 24 is more than enough instruction in the wise management of time. Blessed with a beautiful vineyard to manage, the young man opted to fritter time and left the vineyard to decay. If he had any value of time and respected time, he would have known that time lost is hardly ever recouped and significantly the consequences are dire. If you respect time, and invest time like the Biblical Joseph and the many historical and contemporary success stories the world parades, your name will also make that list. Significantly, you will become a positive reference point to many generations simply because you valued time, respected time and invested time. May God in His infinite wisdom give you the grace to value and respect time. Ironically, time is freely given by God to everyone and significantly in equal amounts. So it is what you do with your own share of time that makes the difference.

Reorganize Your Wardrobe
Clothes either open or close doors. Your appearance should therefore open the right doors for you; that is grant you unrestricted access to the right business partners, business organizations and relationships. The onus then is on you to decide whether your wardrobe will open the right doors for you or not. Take time to observe and note the dress code and ethic for your industry and constituency before investing in a wardrobe that will open the right doors for you.

Reorganize Your Activities
A rolling stone they say gathers no moss. So also are activities that keep you forever busy but with no milestones achieved. You are forever doing a dance in circles that do not move you from point A to B when ideally; every activity should move you from Point A to B and so on. Therefore, plan your activities to lead you the way of accomplishing set goals and objectives.

Reorganize Your Finances
Financial resources should be strategically channeled into activities and relationships that will deliver profits for whatever business you are involved in. it could be for enhancing products or services, enhancing the capacity of your staff or even you to always deliver quality products and services which bless humanity.

Reorganize Your Mental Processes
Streamline your mental processes to what needs to be done to achieve set goals and objectives. Allowing your mental processes to run riot will crowd out the main ideas you need to make real progress. Therefore, sieve or filter mental processes and focus on what needs to be strategically thought out and do same.

Reorganize Your Speech and Utterances
Speeches should be well thought out before being made. This of course should be a function of quality mental processes – you analyze words and phrases for their import and impact on your hearers before making them so that each word and phrase is targeted at accomplishing set goals and objectives. Have you ever wondered how the Obamas of this world always seem to have the right combination of words and phrases that motivate people to act!

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