Sunday, October 7, 2018

Prepare for Abundance 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Naaman commenced preparation to abundant divine health when the information his wife’s maid gave about the prophet in Israel got to him. Though some of the preparations were not necessary, they took him to Israel where he eventually went to see the prophet. Though Elisha did not come out to see Naaman immediately, he gave Naaman instructions to go wash in the Jordan seven times through a servant. Naaman initially despised the instruction which in reality was the major preparation to divine health for him. This is because as soon as Naaman dipped in the Jordan seven times, adequate preparation; the Bible records that Naaman was made whole. 

Blind Bartimaeus had heard about Jesus but the notice to meet with Jesus was short, in point of fact, very short. Yet, Bartimaeus quickly prepared for a divine turn around encounter with Jesus by harnessing the resources at his disposal to reach Jesus. He used his voice, significantly in a very loud manner. Jesus heard him and stopped to ask Bartimaeus what he wanted. Again, Bartimaeus was mentally and spiritually prepared. He requested to receive his sight which Jesus gladly gave him. Beloved, Bartimaeus was physically, spiritually and mentally prepared for abundant health and received it. Physically, he exerted himself crying out loudly to be heard above the din of the multitudes around Jesus talking and walking and even some people tried to shut him up, he cried louder. Spiritually, he referred to Jesus Christ as Lord; that is to say that he acknowledged the Lordship of Jesus Christ over his life. Mentally, he was more than prepared. His priority was to receive his sight and that was the only request he made in response to Jesus’ question. Beloved, Bartimaeus worked within the resources at his disposal even at very short notice. He did not make excuses despite the challenges which stared him in the face. For instance, he did not know Jesus physically and he could not see therefore he had no idea what Jesus looked like. He could also not tell exactly where Jesus stood and even if he could, how was he to walk up to Jesus unguided with the crowd around Jesus. Yet, Bartimaeus strategized effectively even at very short notice and received divine abundance. He could see, see to learn a trade or get an education to earn an income and stop begging. Please read Luke Chapter 18 verses 35 to 43.

Isaac was asked to remain in Gerar at a time of famine. Apparently, Isaac was contemplating a move to Egypt but God instructed him to remain in Gerar. Isaac obeyed God and planted in Gerar; that is to say that he invested his resources, money, labor, time and what have you in the fields; seeds for planting, time invested in weeding the fields; possibly irrigating the land since wells were dug and contended for. The outcome of Isaac’s obedience and diligent work were progressive bountiful harvests which made him a very prosperous man. Please read Genesis Chapter 26 verses 1 to 33. Isaac’s preparation for abundance was first and foremost his obedience to God. He remained in Gerar. Secondly, he invested time and other resources in Gerar. He was not idle. He planted precious seed in the land and reaped bountiful harvests. Thirdly, Isaac was did not contend with anyone over resources in Gerar. Rather, he left the wells that the herdsmen of Gerar contended over to them and went about digging new ones. Fortunately, God rewarded his labor with two new wells, Rehoboth and Sheba. 

The widow of Zarephath is an interesting case study in preparing for abundance. Prophet Elijah requested water to drink in addition to a morsel of bread from her. She replied that she had no bread but there was a handful of flour and a little oil with which she planned to prepare bread for herself and her son. Significantly, it was supposedly the last flour and oil in the house at a period of great famine. So the widow of Zarephath concluded that it would be their last meal after which they would die. But Elijah changed that mindset of hers of eat the last bit and die to a mindset of flourishing divine abundance by prophesying that the supposedly last flour and oil would be inexhaustible until the famine ended. The widow obeyed Elijah, prepared the bread, served Elijah first and the Bible records that the bin of flour was not used up and the jar of oil did not run dry according to the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah. It is instructive to note that Elijah did not speak by his spirit; he spoke by the Spirit of God. 

Your preparation may be to plant sacrificial seeds as the widow of Zarephath did. Those seeds borne out of willing and prompt obedience to God were the ingredients for divine multiplication and compounding that birthed overflowing abundance. Significantly seeds differ and can be planted at any time. The seeds God requests of me may differ greatly from yours just as planting seasons also differ. However, what is significant is that the seeds are planted willingly, lovingly, and promptly. Also, it is important to plant by the leading of the Lord and not the practiced skillful coercing of merchants of the gospel who are actually seeking stomach infrastructure and not the kingdom of God. 

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