Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Lender to the Nations 7

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Wisdom of the Virtuous Woman 2

Back to the unnamed virtuous woman of Proverbs Chapter 31. She was a business woman who understood the dynamics of business. As a skilled designer, she could produce great clothing and accessories but those great clothing and accessories would amount to nothing if they remained unsold, shelved in her home. So what did she do? She took them to where they could be sold – she marketed them to people who would sell them off easily and who would pay for the clothes; not people who would owe her. She also took the trouble to take the clothes to where they could be sold. This was despite the fact that her clothes were well made and elegant – she still marketed them and advertised them.

Beloved, you may have created great products and services; you are endowed with great intelligence, skills, expertise and wisdom. But if these are not advertised and marketed to draw global attention to the rich divine deposit of God in you, you will just be a room champion unknown to the world but known to you and perhaps your family members and some nosey neighbors. Secondly, recall how Elisha instructed the widow of the indebted prophet to go sell her packaged oil in the public domain. She was asked to be quiet about the production and packaging process but was instructed to be loud in the marketing process – take it outside your home and sell – to the teeming buyers God has raised for your products. The widow obeyed and the family became debt free from money realized from selling the oil. Significantly, this was a family who had never earned money. They only borrowed and probably lived off other people’s generosity. But now they earned money from selling what had always been there in the house but which was never utilized for money making purposes.

It is also instructive to know that the virtuous woman had great confidence in her clothes which explain why she took them to the marketplace for sales. Beloved, do you have confidence in the products and services which God enabled you to create? If yes, then get them into the global marketplace as fast as you can so that you can make money from selling them. And if unfortunately you do not have confidence in the products and services you have created, then ask yourself some very pertinent questions – what is it that you do not like about the products and services? Did you create to divine specifications as the Holy Spirit directed you to create or you did a shabby job which you are ashamed of? Whatever be the case, the situation can be quickly and easily redeemed. Rectify what you do not like about the products and services and if you were hasty in your production process and left out significant touches that would create the perfect finish, then sit up. You have ample time and significantly great guidance by the Spirit of God to do a great job that you will not only be proud of but the whole world will be proud of and you will be celebrated globally and remunerated richly.

Lender to the Nations 6

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

The Wisdom of the Virtuous Woman 1

She loved her job – knitting and sewing and because she loved her job; she thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of the job. This explains why she took extra care to shop for the best yarns and cottons. Why? So that she would produce quality clothing for her clients, her family and of course herself. Please read Proverbs Chapter 31 verses 12 to 13.

The Bible also records that she knows the value of her work and for that reason, she is always at her work station, unsupervised, first thing in the morning and is never in a hurry to leave. Lesson – she has great work ethics – commitment to her work. Knowing and understanding the value of one’s work, skill, expertise and talent is a precursor to how a person treats the work, skill, expertise and talent. King Solomon for instance valued his God given wisdom and traded it profitably, guarding it jealously, respecting it as a great gift from God to him. King Solomon prospered and made great wealth from the deployment of that gift. Royalty and the wealthy from the global village of his day shipped money and other gifts to King Solomon just so they could hear his wisdom.

Unfortunately, the lazy owner of the vineyard in Proverbs Chapter 24 verses 24 to 30 had no knowledge, understanding and value of what God blessed him with. So he left it to rot through his negative attitude and behavior of making excuses for his body; getting extra sleep and rest which his body did not really require. He left the vineyard unattended to and after a while, he lost the vineyard – the walls which cracked a little and were not attended to; the cracks had widened and the walls had collapsed – they were broken down and open to all kinds of prey. There was no more protection of unrestricted access to his vineyard – anyone and anything could walk in.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Always Request for Seeds

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Every seed is a potential great harvest but the potential great harvest can only manifest when the seed is planted. Therefore, do not destroy your harvest by eating the seed. Rather, plant the seed so that your great harvests can manifests. This is because harvest is always guaranteed when seeds are planted.

It is the will of God for His children to always access seeds and plant them in the right places by the leading of His Spirit. This is because seeds rightly planted are the gateway to abundance and wealth. That is why God makes the earth to yield seed to the sower; and bread for the eater. Please read Isaiah Chapter 55 verse 10. This is further reiterated in the book of 2nd Corinthians Chapter 9 verse 10 – God supplies seed to the sower; increases the sower’s store of seed. What this means is that the sower always has seeds; abundant seeds to sow. Abundant seeds planted appropriately translate into abundant harvests.

Beloved, God always multiplies and compounds seed especially seeds that He directs you to plant where He wants you to plant them. And sometimes He also tells you where to reap the harvest. Peter was asked to launch out into the deep. Isaac was asked to plant in Gerar. Abraham was asked to go sacrifice Isaac at Moriah. Though Isaac was not sacrificed, God not only provided a sacrificial lamb, He pronounced generational blessings on Abraham.

In some other cases, seeds could be money. God also multiplies and compounds such seeds. To enlarge your coasts financially, you have to plant financial seeds by the leading of the Holy Spirit. As you do so, God moves wealth from all over the globe to transfer to you. Please read Isaiah Chapters 45 verses 14, 1 to 3; 60 note verses 5 to 14, and 17; 61 verses 5 to 6 and 1st Kings Chapters 4 verse34; 10 verses 14 to 15, 22 to 29; 2nd Chronicles Chapter 9 verses 9 to 28.

Therefore, plant money at any opportunity and platform you have to plant money. The seed planted will always grow, multiply and compound to your account. The planting of money is and should never be a one off activity. Sustain it by and through prompt obedience to the Holy Spirit and you will always harvest more than enough money to lend to the nations. Please read Luke Chapter 6 verse 38.