Thursday, November 7, 2019

Always Request for Seeds

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Every seed is a potential great harvest but the potential great harvest can only manifest when the seed is planted. Therefore, do not destroy your harvest by eating the seed. Rather, plant the seed so that your great harvests can manifests. This is because harvest is always guaranteed when seeds are planted.

It is the will of God for His children to always access seeds and plant them in the right places by the leading of His Spirit. This is because seeds rightly planted are the gateway to abundance and wealth. That is why God makes the earth to yield seed to the sower; and bread for the eater. Please read Isaiah Chapter 55 verse 10. This is further reiterated in the book of 2nd Corinthians Chapter 9 verse 10 – God supplies seed to the sower; increases the sower’s store of seed. What this means is that the sower always has seeds; abundant seeds to sow. Abundant seeds planted appropriately translate into abundant harvests.

Beloved, God always multiplies and compounds seed especially seeds that He directs you to plant where He wants you to plant them. And sometimes He also tells you where to reap the harvest. Peter was asked to launch out into the deep. Isaac was asked to plant in Gerar. Abraham was asked to go sacrifice Isaac at Moriah. Though Isaac was not sacrificed, God not only provided a sacrificial lamb, He pronounced generational blessings on Abraham.

In some other cases, seeds could be money. God also multiplies and compounds such seeds. To enlarge your coasts financially, you have to plant financial seeds by the leading of the Holy Spirit. As you do so, God moves wealth from all over the globe to transfer to you. Please read Isaiah Chapters 45 verses 14, 1 to 3; 60 note verses 5 to 14, and 17; 61 verses 5 to 6 and 1st Kings Chapters 4 verse34; 10 verses 14 to 15, 22 to 29; 2nd Chronicles Chapter 9 verses 9 to 28.

Therefore, plant money at any opportunity and platform you have to plant money. The seed planted will always grow, multiply and compound to your account. The planting of money is and should never be a one off activity. Sustain it by and through prompt obedience to the Holy Spirit and you will always harvest more than enough money to lend to the nations. Please read Luke Chapter 6 verse 38.

Seeds in some cases are money making tools and not necessarily money.  God may ask you to plant money making tools in His kingdom or the lives of His children. Surprisingly, God multiplies and compounds such seeds. It could even be the contribution of your skills, expertise and time. God celebrates such seeds and blesses those who plant such seeds. Also, people are quite willing to support other people with money making tools rather than money.

The Apostle Peter lent his boat to Jesus Christ when it was not convenient for him to do so. but when Jesus was done using the boat for kingdom purpose, he addressed the personal needs of Peter for the very much needed great catch of fish to be sold to generate income for his personal and family bills as well as those of his colleagues. Jesus instructed Peter on what to do and when Peter obeyed and launched out into the deep; Peter and his colleagues were overwhelmed with one of the largest catch of fish that they had ever caught. Peter planted the seed of a boat for an hour or a few hours and reaped the harvest of over a week of fishing enterprise.
Seeds should therefore be treasured.

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