Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
Nobody was created poor by God. Everyone was designed to be wealthy in the original plan of God for man. However, sin interfered and brought poverty along which explains why Jesus Christ became poor so that humanity can regain wealth. Please see 2nd Corinthians Chapter 8 verse 9. Therefore, the choice and decision to be wealthy is yours irrespective of wherever you are now in the wealth pedestal and whatever circumstances assail you. The choice and decision to be wealthy has to be accompanied by a speedy and prompt mental paradigm shift that will dislodge all the mental strongholds of poverty entrenched in your mental processes over the years.
Poverty means lack, absence of capacity. A state of lack or want is a state of poverty reflecting spiritual poverty, ignorance, poverty of ideas, financial poverty, emotional poverty, psychological poverty, material poverty, poverty of ethics, etc. Therefore, poverty incapacitates, most often to stagnate, to hinder or limit progress, to slow down and to progressively destroy.
Poverty is satanic and manifests the following symptoms – spiritual poverty, mental poverty, including intellectual poverty, financial poverty, physical poverty, etc. Poverty is also multi dimensional and afflicts at various levels – mental, physical, intellectual, marital, spiritual, financial, economic, social and political. Even when poverty is satanically induced, it can be eliminated at the foot of the cross through total surrender to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. God never intended poverty for anyone. It is a tool of the enemy to stop people from entering into and actualizing the plans and purposes of God for their lives. No matter the hydra headed dimensions of poverty, the satanic altars serving it, the events and circumstances in your life that make it seem like poverty is your lot in life, beloved, hear the word of God in 2nd Corinthians Chapter 8 verse 9. From this Scripture, it is clear that poverty is not God’s plan for anyone. Secondly, poverty can be eliminated because over 2, 000 years ago, Jesus Christ paid the full price for the elimination of poverty. Please see Colossians Chapter 2 verses 12 to 15, 1st John Chapter 3 verse 8. Therefore, if poverty afflicts you on account of sin (be it personal, ancestral, community, national) or it is satanically engineered, Jesus Christ has paid the full penalty for it. What you need to do is take the poverty and all its branches and root to the foot of the cross for total destruction and elimination from your life and lineage. God is faithful and will gladly do it as His desire and plan for you is to live an abundant life in Christ Jesus.
Poverty can also be rooted in a person’s mental thought processes through beliefs, thoughts, imaginations, dreams, visions and desires. When poverty afflicts a person, family, community or nation in this dimension, then the devil and his cohorts have actually built satanic strongholds of poverty through mental processes that activate, fester and entrench poverty in individual lives, families, communities and nations. There are many individuals, families, communities and nations who believe that wealth and abundance belong to only a special class of individuals, families, communities and nations. Therefore, rather than work smart and diligently to eliminate poverty, they work extremely hard to alleviate or reduce poverty. Such people copiously quote the Scriptures to support their thinking and actions. Beloved, while it is true that “the poor will never cease from the land” (Deuteronomy Chapter 15 verse 11), the questions I always dare to ask such people are – did God put your name in the list of the poor? Why did Jesus become poor? 2nd Corinthians Chapter 8 verse 9, “so that you through His poverty might become rich”. This goes without saying that God did not create you poor. Even if circumstances around you suggest poverty, reject the poverty and take on the cloak and life of wealth God ordained for you through Jesus Christ.
Poverty can be eliminated completely albeit progressively. Therefore, do not permit images, thoughts, words and actions that foster poverty. Begin to dwell on and celebrate images, thoughts, words and actions that facilitate wealth and abundance – as a man thinks so is he. Therefore guard your heart diligently (Proverbs Chapter 4 verse 23) and refuse any poverty inflicting processes and accept only wealth and abundance inducing mental processes. Please, see Psalm 1 verses 1 to 3. As you meditate on the precious and unfailing promises of God concerning wealth and abundance, wealth and abundance will follow you all the days of your life and generationally in Jesus mighty name, AMEN.
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