Thursday, October 18, 2018

Monetize Your Contacts 1

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
Contacts are intangible assets that become tangible assets when they are translated into economic relationships through economic partnerships and collaborations. You can therefore monetize your contacts by creatively translating them into economic partnerships and collaborations. Your contacts include people, institutions and nations that you come in contact with, interact with on a daily basis. Over time you will come up with a huge contact list that you may actually not know how to manage to profit. In the days when business cards held sway, you probably pilled them up in a big office basket if you are an organized person; you arranged them either by names or institutions. Whichever you did, the ideal is to segment your contact base into institutions, sector by sector. Thereafter, you can have an alphabetical categorization of names for ease of calling up your contacts. This is to say that you will need a contact management system at some point. 

Pharaoh’s butler was an economic relationship to Joseph despite the fact that they met in prison. This is because the butler was to an extent pivotal to Joseph’s release from prison. The butler was the one who mentioned or recommend Joseph to Pharaoh and when Joseph was brought before Pharaoh, multiple transformations occurred. Joseph became a free man granted royal pardon. Quite significant is also the fact that he received astronomical promotions; from being a prisoner to a free man, a citizen of Egypt as well as second in command to Pharaoh. Amazing because Joseph was not an Egyptian but he was next in command to Pharaoh. In addition, Joseph had never worked in the palace before and had no connections to Pharaoh. Yet, in just one day, in point of fact, less than a day of meeting Pharaoh through the butler, Joseph became second in command to Pharaoh. This was because God gave Joseph divine contacts and fortunately, Joseph realized this and took advantage of the divine linkage. He assisted the butler and asked the butler to remember him. The butler became Joseph’s connection to Pharaoh. He was a divinely arranged contact.

It is significant to note that the circumstances under which Joseph became acquainted with the butler were not exactly pleasant. Joseph was serving an unjust prison sentence that was not defined. So there was no possible exit date from prison yet Joseph was not bitter. Therefore, when the opportunity presented itself for Joseph to be of service to the butler; he did so with joy. That singular action done without any monetary or material compensation opened the doors into Pharaoh’s court as well as final exit from prison.

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Prepare for Abundance 3

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Do what God asks of you and He will supply the abundance you require in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. The keyword is PREPARE.

Jesus Christ asked the servants at the wedding feast in Canaan to fill the water pots with water. And they filled them up to the brim. Six water pots filled to the brim speaks of adequate preparation for abundance as the Bible records that the six water pots were about one hundred and eighty gallons of water, albeit, one hundred and eighty gallons of wine. Quite significant and instructive is the fact that the only task assigned the servants in preparation for the forthcoming abundance was to fill all six water pots to the brim. The turning of the water into wine was the task and responsibility of Jesus Christ for as soon as the water pots were filled to the brim, Jesus asked them to draw some “supposedly water” out to give to the Master of the feast. Upon tasting the supposedly water now turned wine, in point of fact very good wine, the master of the feast commended the bridegroom for reserving the good wine till the end of the feast. Please read John Chapter 2 verses 1 to 10. It is significant to note that what appeared to be a situation of lack that was about to bring disgrace and reproach to the family turned out to be a situation of surplus, overflowing abundance because God in His infinite mercies intervened and quite instructive is the fact that the people obeyed the divine instruction to prepare for abundance. The result was the miraculous supply of abundant wine at the wedding feast.

Prepare for Abundance 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Naaman commenced preparation to abundant divine health when the information his wife’s maid gave about the prophet in Israel got to him. Though some of the preparations were not necessary, they took him to Israel where he eventually went to see the prophet. Though Elisha did not come out to see Naaman immediately, he gave Naaman instructions to go wash in the Jordan seven times through a servant. Naaman initially despised the instruction which in reality was the major preparation to divine health for him. This is because as soon as Naaman dipped in the Jordan seven times, adequate preparation; the Bible records that Naaman was made whole. 

Blind Bartimaeus had heard about Jesus but the notice to meet with Jesus was short, in point of fact, very short. Yet, Bartimaeus quickly prepared for a divine turn around encounter with Jesus by harnessing the resources at his disposal to reach Jesus. He used his voice, significantly in a very loud manner. Jesus heard him and stopped to ask Bartimaeus what he wanted. Again, Bartimaeus was mentally and spiritually prepared. He requested to receive his sight which Jesus gladly gave him. Beloved, Bartimaeus was physically, spiritually and mentally prepared for abundant health and received it. Physically, he exerted himself crying out loudly to be heard above the din of the multitudes around Jesus talking and walking and even some people tried to shut him up, he cried louder. Spiritually, he referred to Jesus Christ as Lord; that is to say that he acknowledged the Lordship of Jesus Christ over his life. Mentally, he was more than prepared. His priority was to receive his sight and that was the only request he made in response to Jesus’ question. Beloved, Bartimaeus worked within the resources at his disposal even at very short notice. He did not make excuses despite the challenges which stared him in the face. For instance, he did not know Jesus physically and he could not see therefore he had no idea what Jesus looked like. He could also not tell exactly where Jesus stood and even if he could, how was he to walk up to Jesus unguided with the crowd around Jesus. Yet, Bartimaeus strategized effectively even at very short notice and received divine abundance. He could see, see to learn a trade or get an education to earn an income and stop begging. Please read Luke Chapter 18 verses 35 to 43.

Prepare for Abundance

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Preparation for abundance is not idling away because God promises overflowing abundance. Please read Deuteronomy Chapters 15 verse 6, 28 verses 12 to 13 and Malachi Chapter 10 verses 10 to 12. Rather, it is obeying the voice of God to carry out whatever divine instructions He gives through the Holy Spirit, in His word or through His anointed servants. The biblical case studies who prepared for abundance and received abundance were productively engaged in the divine tasks assigned to them that would bring about the required abundance. Therefore, take up your tools and work the divine tasks diligently so that your great expectations of overflowing abundance would not be cut short. Also, preparations for abundance are as diverse as people and professions are diverse. 

Prophet Elijah had prophesied abundant rain in the midst of a drought that was well on in its third year. Such audacity! But Elijah did not speak by his own spirit. He did not speak cleverly devised lies to massage the ego of the people. He spoke as directed by God and by the Spirit of God. However, some preparations had to take place such as the restoration of the altar of God and worship of God in Israel; the elimination of the prophets of Baal as well as destruction of their altars. The moment Elijah accomplished these tasks, he instructed King Ahab to go eat and drink; in essence, celebrate the abundant rain. He also advised Ahab to hurry home so that he would not be drenched by the heavy downpour. While Ahab was feasting, Elijah who was not with the divine preparatory tasks commenced his multi level intercession for the heavenly release of the abundant rain. He did not give up until he saw results. Thereafter, he sent word to Ahab. The land was drenched in abundant rain.