Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
Everything God has and does is in surplus. Please read 2nd
Corinthians Chapter 9 verse 8. The feeding of five thousand men besides women
and children as well as the four thousand people and more are classic examples
of how God always does everything in abundance. This is because God always has
more than enough resources.
This also explains why God blesses His people abundantly so that they will always have more than enough. God’s plan for His people therefore is to have more than enough to pay their bills, to give to the poor, to pay off debts. Beloved, God wants you to go beyond the level of mere subsistence living to the level of abundance where you always have more than enough to share with other people.
Sharing resources with the needy and vulnerable no matter
how small the resources appear is a way of planning for and always having
abundance. A lad laid down his only lunch of five barley loaves and two small
fishes so that five thousand men besides women and children could be fed. The
outcome was an overflow - left over fragments that filled twelve baskets. What
other example could probably describe the principle of multiplication and
Beloved, while it is true that some people are selfish and extremely self centred by nature, it is pathetic and unfortunate as such a nature puts great limits on them. This is because it makes it difficult for them to share resources and when a person is not sharing resources, the resources at the person’s disposal do not multiply and compound. A selfish person, a self absorbed person who thinks of himself or herself alone is never interested in sharing with others. The rich fool for instance was not a blessing. He lost everything. God blesses us abundantly so that we become channels of blessings. If you are a giver, God will always multiply it back to you. Please read Luke Chapter 6 verse 38, 2nd Corinthians Chapter 9 and Proverbs Chapter 11 verses 24 to 26.
Additionally, thanksgiving to God for His infallible word,
the pure undiluted word of God that does not return to Him void can call forth
the required resources and bring about the manifestation of an overflow of what
is required. In John Chapter 6 verses 5 to 14, the Bible records an interesting
story of how Jesus Christ fed multitudes of people with just five barley loaves
and two fish and yet there was an overflow. It is significant to note that all
Jesus had to feed over five thousand people were five barley loaves and two
small fish yet He arranged for the people to sit down and then gave thanks to
God for what was available before distributing it to the people through His
disciples. As they distributed the five barley loaves and two small fish, the
food items multiplied and compounded and fed over five thousand people with
twelve baskets left over. Thanksgiving to God for what was available brought
about the multiplication and compounding to provide more than enough resources.
Therefore, make it a habit to always give thanks to God for what you own, have
or have access to irrespective of how small or insignificant you think it is.
Gratitude to God should be a lifestyle, a daily practice.
The Bible instructs in Psalm 95 that believers should come before His presence
with thanksgiving. Therefore, let your heart be filled with thanks when you
come before God. Be thankful because you are in the Presence of Him who is able
to do all things – the great God and the great King above all gods.
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