Tuesday, April 7, 2020

How to Correct Negative Financial Behaviors 3

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Start Walking.

Are you crippled by the negative experiences which plagued you in life? Is your financial situation so bad that you are as good as financially crippled in life; with no one to turn to for assistance anymore because you have practically maxed out whatever assistance you should receive?

You have borrowed from friends, neighbors, family members, colleagues at work and even financial institutions and barely paid back. In point of fact, the only reason you paid back was so the harassments by your creditors would come to an end. And unfortunately for you, your creditors learnt their lessons; particularly the ones you refused to pay back. You would never ever get a dime from them again. And the ones you delayed in paying back also took decisions to blacklist you. You would never ever get a dime from them again even if you offered to pay back with high interest rates because they are fed up with your tales by moonlight.

Beloved, you have also maxed out on the generosity of kind hearted people who always blessed you with financial resources until they discovered that your financial crisis was a result of your gross financial indiscipline manifested in your refusal to honor God with your resources, your constant recourse to impress people with gifts you do not own and cannot afford; just to give the impression that you are financially comfortable whereas you are not; your uncontrolled drinking habit and the drinking sprees fund with borrowed money which you have no hope of paying back except you rob Peter to pay Paul in your characteristic manner; putting up structures with other people’s money which you have no intention of paying back or paying back at your convenience which unfortunately never comes.

This is no way to live especially so when you inconvenience other people to live this false lifestyle which unfortunately paints you as a dupe, a cheat, and a fraudster. Additionally, this lifestyle devalues your brand and does not bring glory to God. The Bible instructs believers to give out of their God given resources and not borrowed resources which they have no intention of paying back simply because they want to manage the impression that they are generous people when actually they borrow to impress.

Beloved, it is time to wake up to reality so that you can stop playing this game of folly and grow up emotionally and financially. Why emotionally? Because you want to massage your emotions, you give to impress so that you feel good amongst the people you want to impress. So how do you wake up? Simply ask yourself the following empowering questions.

Why do I give to these horde of parasitic people around me who actually do not care about me but are only after what I can give to them?

Am I doing it to buy affection, applause, recognition and recommendation?

Does God Who created me not love me, applaud me, recognize and recommend me to the right people who would do same without binding me to give them the financial resources which I do not own?

Why am I allowing myself to be manipulated?

Do I suffer low self-esteem and the supposedly applause of these people give me some props?

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