Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How to Correct Negative Financial Behaviors 4

 Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Start Walking

Beloved, it is high time you learnt some life lessons from the prodigal son who frittered his inheritance on riotous living. Rather than wait for the demise of his father to receive his inheritance, he requested the inheritance from his father and the moment he received it; huge sums of money he never labored for; he traveled to a city or town where no one would supervise him and went on a binge with like minded people. They painted that city or town red with wild parties and heavy drinking at his expense – again recall that he did not labor for the money so he probably had no idea that he was frittering the money? Why? Unknown to him, financial resources multiply and compound when they are invested in productive economic activities and not wild parties and heavy drinking.

Soon, surprisingly quite soon, they stopped painting the town red because their wild parties and heavy drinking suddenly came to an end; not because they got tired of such revelry but because the prodigal son no longer had the financial muscles to fund the parties and drinks. He was left in the lurch as his waste partners left him to seek other providers of such revelry. Fortunately for the prodigal son, he had nowhere to go.

Penniless and hungry, he sought employment in a piggery but his income was not even a living wage and he came close to eating the pods he fed the pigs. That was when he came to his senses – what exactly was he doing in a place like that? How did he end up like that – someone who had not really labored; who had the best life had to offer; my oh my, it was time to retrace his steps home and offer to work in his father’s farm. After all, his father’s employees earned good salaries and fed well. He opted to return home and was restored to his former position. He did not even have to labor.

Beloved, you can and should retrace your steps back to God and His purpose for your life. If people do not love you, accept you for who you are; then you do not need their love. The unconditional love of God for you alongside His beautiful and wonderful thoughts concerning you should be more than enough for you and knowing Who God is, He will also bring the right people who will love you for who you are. So do not engage in negative financial behaviors just because you want to impress people to gain acceptance and respect from them. You do not need such people.

I know a young man who had a great career in the financial services sector. He was doing very well as a stock broker and had quite a number of clients who kept recommending him to other people. Unfortunately, he wanted to impress his wife and her family members; surprisingly not because they requested for it. The problem was that he suffered low esteem before them because his economic and social standing was beneath that of his wife and her family. So he did everything to prove that he was making it financially; unfortunately with other people’s money. Sadly, he was caught doing a number of shady deals. He lost not his job but the many clients he had as well as the good will God had blessed him with over the years. I know this because I am one of his victims. Too bad.

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