Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Dynamics of Seeds 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

This also implies that anyone could be a seed sower if they put their minds to it because the truth is that God created everyone with seeds so that the seed should always be planted to produce a harvest of bread and more seeds for planting. But unfortunately, there are people like the wicked lazy servant and the prodigal son; that is when he had not repented who have no intention of planting seeds at all. It is too much trouble for them. They would rather have bread all day; even if it is at the expense and inconvenience of other people. They do not bother about applying themselves in any endeavor. They feel that family members, Church members, neighbors, their communities, their religious organizations, the government, God, everyone, even animals and natural elements of creation owe them an obligation to put bread on their table at all times. That explains why they get angry; are resentful when family members, the Church and people they always expect to put bread on their table refuse to do so because they have asked for bread too often so that making that provision always has become burdensome to family members.

Beloved, watch your life. God did not create you to be a burden to members of your family, Church, community, nation, etc. God created you to be a blessing to your family, Church, community, nation, organization. Therefore, your contribution to the growth of your family, your Church, community and nation should constitute what you always plan to do. Your mental processes should always be filled with how you can become a blessing and not how you can and should siphon blessings from other people. God did not create you to be a leech, preying on other people. Therefore, grow up and stop being a leech, a gold digger and a fortune hunter.                      

Surprisingly, you have all it takes to be a lender to the nations. That is why He created you with great seeds with which you can always generate rich harvests of both bread and seeds to bless humanity with. The challenge you probably have is that you do not know the difference between bread and seeds so you always consume seeds alongside bread. Once you are able to differentiate seeds from bread and treat seeds as they should be treated, you are then on your way to being the lender to the nations that you were created to be.

My prayer is that God will grant you extravagant grace to plant the seeds He graciously blessed you with so that you will always have a rich harvest of bread and seeds. Shalom.

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