Monday, May 18, 2020


Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

For many years the widow of the indebted prophet alongside her husband and two sons lived in the consciousness of lack and poverty and therefore had to borrow from family members, friends and neighbours until they maxed themselves out. When her husband died, the creditor could not be bothered about their bereavement. He was concerned about retrieving his money from them by enslaving the two sons of the man in debt servitude.

Suddenly, reality dawned on the widow. Her husband was gone; and now her two sons in debt servitude! Something had to be done to remedy the family situation. She ran to the prophet Elisha.

Beloved, it was possible for the prophet to have given her the money required to pay off the debts and even if the prophet did not own such money, he could have sent her to someone he knew who could pay off the family debt and set them free, albeit; temporarily. This is because they would revert to borrowing again as it was the only way of livelihood they understood. So Elisha took the decision to correct the anomaly of living off borrowing in that family. He taught the woman and her sons to make their own money and wealth by deploying the resources at their disposal no matter how seemingly little or insignificant to make their own wealth.

Suddenly, an impoverished family who had spent almost a lifetime borrowing learnt to create wealth by providing an urgently required product in the community. Additionally, they took the great step of delivering the product at the doorstep of those who required the service and suddenly, the seemingly elusive money that had made them borrowers found its way into their pockets. So for people who only saw money when it was borrowed now say money flow into their hands not as borrowed money, given money but earned money, money earned from selling a product.  

They now had money not just to pay off their debts but money to live on for the rest of their lives. They stopped living poor because they had learnt to make their own wealth.

Beloved, you can rise up very dignified from borrowing and begging by simply making your own wealth albeit through providing a service, a product or selling your expertise, knowledge resources for a fee. Do not despise the day of small beginnings. Just start somewhere and grow as big as God would have you grow because definitely, God Who promised to bless the work of your hands will open great doors of increase and abundance for you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.

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