Monday, May 4, 2020

Exercise Dominion in the Marketplace

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

You can and should exercise dominion in the market place by manifesting the grace of God in your life, the divine gifts of God in your life, His beauty, fame, significance, glory, honor and wealth in your life in the market place, especially the global market place now that the world has become a global village. Therefore, showcase these beauties of God for all to see in your life by participating actively in the marketplace. You should and must have something to contribute to local, national and global development which you can conveniently sell online to a carefully selected and targeted global audience.

Some biblical apostles of the marketplace include but are not limited to:
Joseph who exercised dominion in the political and economic space of Egypt by proffering a food security program which ensured that Egypt had food during and beyond the seven years of severe famine. Please read Genesis Chapter 41.

Moses exercised dominion in the political space of Egypt and led the people of Israel out of Egypt to the Promised Land. Although he did not get to the Promised Land, his feats in Egypt especially in his negotiations with Pharaoh are commendable and lessons in the subject of negotiation.

Joshua exercised dominion in the military and political space of the nations in Canaan. He was a conquistador and led highly successful military expeditions against the nations which Israel dispossessed to take over the Promised Land. He also led in apportioning land to the twelve tribes of Israel. The entire book of Joshua is a great instruction on military expeditions and annexations.

Solomon straddled about every space – he exercised dominion in business, politics, diplomacy, you name it; significantly not only in Israel but in the nations around Israel. He had a monopoly of trade in horses and chariots in the region; was the wisest and wealthiest person in his day. Please read 1st Kings Chapters 3 to 10 for details and insight.

Daniel was a prominent person in the political space of the empires of Babylon and Persia. He served in a number of administrative capacities before rising to become the number two person in the kingdom. Please read Daniel Chapters 1 to 6 for details and inspiration.

Esther exercised great dominion in the political space of the Kingdom of Ahasuerus. Esther was greatly used of God in the political and economic power dynamics of Haman. She played a crucial role albeit by the Spirit of God in the salvation and deliverance of the Jews from the attempts of Haman to annihilate the Jews.   From being an unknown orphaned young woman, she became Queen because God placed her on the throne for a purpose which she fulfilled.

The virtuous woman was a key player in the economic space of her day. At a time when most women played being wives, she was wife, mother, philanthropist, and business woman par excellence.

Lydia straddled the economic space of her day. Affluent, she sold what the rich buy – purple. She also invested her resources in kingdom work.

Nabal, despite his faults was also a key player in the economic space of his day. The Bible described him as a very wealthy man.

Beloved, you have all it takes to exercise dominion in the market place. Therefore, refuse to be a great on looker who tells tales of the successes of other players for free; a cheer leader who cheers other success stories for free. Rather, identify your sphere of expertise and influence and straddle it by the extravagant grace and wisdom of God deposited in you at the new birth. God bless you as you do so in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

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