Monday, May 18, 2020

Make Your Own Wealth

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

To make you own wealth, you urgently require a spiritual and mental paradigm shift which will prepare you mentally and spiritually to move away from dependency on the wealth of other people. You will need to drop the consciousness of I am created poor; to be dependent on the genuine or stage managed generosity of the rich; to live off their handouts. It is  a self-limiting consciousness which impoverishes and fosters generational poverty in families especially when a member or members of a family accept and internalize that consciousness and through certain consistent utterances and actions convey and transmit the consciousness to their children, siblings, other members of the family as well as neighbours, colleagues, community members and citizens of their nations.

Have you ever noticed that a certain aura of neediness pervades and surrounds people with such a consciousness so that even when they are brought before kings on account of their divine gifts designed to uplift them out of the dust and ash heap positions life; that ugly wealth, dignity and honor dispelling aura shows up so that rather than negotiate positions of power, influence, and wealth with their divine gifts, they request subservient positions so that they remain at the beck and call of the rich forever dependent on their supposed generosity whether genuine or stage managed. That explains why the lame man at the pool in Bethsaida was content to remain there making up excuses of having no one to help him. Those excuses and his inability to see that he had taken on an I am a liability and dependency consciousness and aura was the reason he could not immediately respond positively to Jesus’ question of whether he wanted to be made whole despite the fact that Jesus Christ initiated the conversation and healing process.

In contrast, we see a very proactive Blind Bartimaeus who had a different consciousness and aura – the God given consciousness of I am created to win; I am not created a liability but a blessing to humanity. That explains why he did what he did – deploy the resources at his disposal to get the attention of Jesus – Jesus Whom he could not see and had never seen; Jesus Whom he had heard so much about and Whom Blind Bartimaeus knew could change his status in life – restore his sight so that he would never have to depend on other people for mobility and sight – that way he could take on a job and never have to sit at the roadside to beg. Blind Bartimaeus initiated the process of his interaction with Jesus; subsequent restoration of his sight as well as freedom and deliverance from the supposedly limitations which would have kept him dependent and subservient. Unlike the lame man at Gate Beautiful and the man at the pool in Bethsaida, Blind Bartimaeus refused to be bound. That explains why he initiated the process by literally taking the bull by the horns.  Even when people tried to hush him down, he shouted louder; practically shouting himself hoarse until Jesus paid him attention.

Beloved, you can do same. Poverty in whatever form is not your portion. God did not create you to be poor; subservient and dependent on the generosity; whether, stage managed or genuine of other people. God created you a resource rich person to bless humanity with the huge deposit of resources inside of you. Why then do you sit lamely as an unrewarded cheer leader waiting for crumbs from the master’s table? Why do you allow yourself to be despised and used as a common slave when you can actually own and control the resources you labor tirelessly for and unrewarded in the fields of slave drivers?

Like many widowed and poor women of her days who did not have access to productive resources, Ruth gleaned food resources from the farms of Boaz. Though she found favor from Boaz and enjoyed additional handouts to what she gleaned, Naomi was not satisfied at the status of Ruth, her daughter in-law. Yes, what was gleaned including the additional handouts put food on the table but Naomi was not satisfied. She knew that life could be better for Ruth. Besides that was not the quality of life she desired for the young woman. Secondly, Naomi did not want Ruth to live in and remain with the consciousness of a gleaner. So Naomi schooled Ruth on how to access productive resources – through kinship marriage to Boaz; so that from gleaning in the fields of Boaz which her steps were divinely ordered to, she became the wife of Boaz and co-owner of the fields of Boaz, fields she once gleaned in.

It is quite significant and instructive that Ruth lost the consciousness of being a gleaner forever dependent on the generosity of Boaz and his workers.

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