Friday, February 16, 2018

Wisdom for Seed Planting 2

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Significantly, your seed is God’s divine deposit in you for you to become sought after and great in life. If you do not respect, value it and trade it for profit by paying attention to it, how then will you become sought after, great, wealthy and successful? Please see Proverbs Chapter 27 verses 23 to 27. The Bible standard is for you to diligently pay attention to; nurture and care for whatever God blessed you with to a profit. 

To do this you have to find an enabling environment to plant your seeds so that they are like pearls cast before swine. For example the seeds which fell on rock sprouted but they withered away because they lacked moisture. Moisture is critical to the survival of pants. Unfortunately, rocks do not retain water; therefore will not have moisture to sustain the growth of any plant. Besides, rocks take the toll of hot sunshine especially in tropical regions and on very sunny days. No plant no matter how resilient can survive in such an environment. The sprouted seeds withered away as quickly as they had sprouted. What a shame, what a pity! The bottom line is to avoid environments that are not conducive to the growth and fruition of your seed as such environments are inimical to your success. The wayside environment did not even give the seeds that fell on it a chance to germinate like the rock did. However, the growth transient – germinate to wither and not to fruit. This is not the will of God for anyone endowed with divine seeds. It is my prayer that God in His infinite mercy will forbid such evil in your life in Jesus mighty name. 

Divine seeds should always germinate and grow to fruition as exemplified in the seeds which fell on good ground. Unfortunately, this was not the lot of the seeds which fell among thorns. Though they germinated and grew alongside the thorns, they could not fruit as they were eventually choked to death. Herein is the crux of the matter. What exactly are thorns especially if one is not planting agricultural seeds and why avoid thorns at all costs? Thorns represent anything that is opposed to the growth and success of an enterprise. Isaac was prospering to greater greatness when the Philistines of Gerar contended with him over the land and water resources where Isaac lived and farmed. The Philistines were propelled by envy, a major thorn. Isaac towed the path of wisdom and avoided and left the contentious environment. He so soared to great wealth, success and wisdom that the envious Philistines came begging. Please take the time and patience to both read and study the entire chapter of Genesis 26. 

The herdsmen of Lot contended with the herdsmen of Abraham over grazing resources to the point of skirmishes. To avoid further violent clashes and bloodshed, Abraham wisely separated from Lot. Significantly, Lot and his contentious herdsmen did not enjoy the land and grazing resources they contended for. First they were captured in war and Abraham and his men had to rescue them. Where was that entire military prowess they used against Abraham and his herdsmen when the chips were down.  Secondly, Lot lived among very wicked people who lived in opposition to God and His standards for human living. That very fertile land alongside its numerous inhabitants, livestock and other material resources were destroyed by God. It was the fervent intercession of Abraham that saved Lot and his two daughters. 

Beloved, envy, contention, strife, are forms of thorns that quickly destroy everything, a person, an institution, a community, a nation and even nations including everything that people have labored for. While it is great to avoid contention and strife at all costs, it is wisest to run away from it completely. Today, all forms of contention over resources have turned many places on the face of the earth into theatres of war, bloodshed and large scale destruction of what people labored for. Human blood is spilled like water yet no one cares. Even amongst families and pathetically the Church of Jesus Christ, contention and strife exist and sometimes threaten to tear the body apart but thank God for Scripture which cannot be broken that the gates of hell cannot prevail against the Church (Matthew Chapter 16 verse 18); the Church of God is standing firm, immovable to the glory of God the Father. 

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