embarking on the journey of seed planting it will be worth your while to make a
distinction between good ground and thorns. This is because a ground may be
good to plant on but if it is full of thorns, what happens to the crops planted
on that good ground? The plants will definitely grow but the thorns will always
choke them and who knows what will happen. Is it then wise to sow among thorns?
Please see Matthew Chapter 13 verses 7, 22.
wayside ground and rock could not provide what the seeds required to thrive –
earth to protect the seeds from being trampled down and devoured; and moisture
for the nourishment of the seeds. On the other hand, the ground with thorns
provided both security and moisture yet had self destructive properties which
ensured that the young plants did not grow beyond a certain level.
wayside ground seeds were afflicted by external factors, people walking along
the way and birds flying over the wayside whose sharp eyes spotted the seeds
though trampled and devoured them. The rock lacked water and moisture; also external
factors as rocks neither manufacture water nor retain water.
the ground with thorns had an internal self destructive mechanism – the thorns
which had no room and zero tolerance for anything that would benefit humanity.
Thorns do not benefit humanity and one would have expected them to be pleased
to have plants which would benefit humanity grow beside them. No way as they
choked the life out of the plants. Thorns have no good intention towards anyone
or anything and do not benefit anyone in any way. They are destructive and
would always destroy as they always bring about destruction. A thorn infested
ground no matter how fertile is not good ground.
would have been a great blessing to the people of Gerar on account of his great
wealth but because of envy which led to contention and strife, Isaac was sent
away from Gerar. Isaac left and flourished elsewhere and would not return to
Gerar. The people of Gerar lost the blessing of God sent amongst them because
envy made them self destructive.
wayside ground, the rock and the good ground with thorns can actually be
rehabilitated though it is a painstakingly long and expensive process that
includes securing the wayside ground from people who trample as well as
predators; finding ways of ensuring that the water poured on rocks through
rainfall and snow is retained in the depths of the rock so that plants can
access it and draw moisture required for nourishment from the rock. Perhaps
this is rock science and will definitely come at great costs in terms of
monetary costs, spiritual, intellectual and physical efforts that will
definitely drain the body. I wonder who really wants to do that. The ground
with thorns can be rehabilitated by weeding out the thorns. But how on earth do
you achieve that without weeding out the plants (please see the parable of the
wheat and tares in Matthew Chapter 13 verses 24 to 30, particularly so when the
thorns had already taken root before the quality seeds fell among them. Herculean
task, meaning it is an impossible task considering that the thorns which were
planted even after the wheat had taken root could not be weeded out without
harming the wheat and destroying the entire crop altogether. Best solution is
to avoid the thorns, run away from them as Abraham and Isaac did; so that you
can flourish in your Rehoboth.
Joseph did not exactly avoid them but circumstances caused him to be separated from his siblings whom envy and hatred held bound so that they became thorns, obstacles and barriers to the actualization of Joseph’s dreams. The separation worked in favor of Joseph and his dreams were not only actualized but those who constituted themselves as thorns came and bowed down to Joseph. Fortunately, Joseph was a godly person. He forgave them. While it is wise to avoid people who constitute themselves as thorns, remember that Christ in you, the hope of glory epitomizes forgiveness. Therefore, always forgive no matter how thorny their actions are or were. Yes, it hurts but forgiveness always brings healing, success and wealth.
Joseph did not exactly avoid them but circumstances caused him to be separated from his siblings whom envy and hatred held bound so that they became thorns, obstacles and barriers to the actualization of Joseph’s dreams. The separation worked in favor of Joseph and his dreams were not only actualized but those who constituted themselves as thorns came and bowed down to Joseph. Fortunately, Joseph was a godly person. He forgave them. While it is wise to avoid people who constitute themselves as thorns, remember that Christ in you, the hope of glory epitomizes forgiveness. Therefore, always forgive no matter how thorny their actions are or were. Yes, it hurts but forgiveness always brings healing, success and wealth.
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