Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha
A person’s life
does not consist in the abundance of what he has but what he gives. The essence
of living is giving, no matter how small it may appear to be. Giving is one of the divine keys to
prosperity, breakthrough, healing, you name it. Beloved, you can give yourself
out of lack, begging and borrowing. Therefore, give out your pain and
insufficiency to sufficiency and abundance so that you will no longer
experience financial struggles in Jesus mighty name. And the catch is
that you can never out give God. God alone owns resources and us. Therefore,
our lives and resources should be committed to serving Him.
There is power
in giving especially giving to what is relevant. Giving to a good cause brings
rewards. The hand that gives is always on top and has power. On the other hand,
the hand that receives is always below the hand that gives. To be on top, you
should be a giver. There are some challenges that you are going through today
that can disappear because of your giving.
When people come
to seek you because of the gift of God in you, meet both their spiritual and
physical needs. Do not send them away empty handed no matter how small your
resources are. For all you care, that may be all they require for their needs
to be met. All the disciples of Jesus Christ had were five loaves of bread and
two fishes; yet because they laid it on the altar for all to benefit from, the
loaves of bread and fish multiplied and compounded; and fed five thousand men,
excluding women and children. Additionally, there were twelve baskets left over.
Please see Luke Chapter 9 verses 10 to 17.
Abundance always comes when seemingly insufficient
and insignificant resources are shared for the common good. That is the
principle of twelve baskets, sacrificing your little for the common good. Such sacrificial giving is an outcome of
absolute trust in God. Sacrificial giving is giving all you have to the Lord.
It is a demonstration of love and absolute trust in God. You are letting go
because you love God and you also trust that He knows what is best for
you. Sacrificial giving always attracts
divine provision and enlargement. There is always a correlation between
sacrificial giving, divine provision, and enlargement. Some examples of Bible
characters who gave sacrificially include the widow who gave all the mites she
had and was commended by the Lord Jesus Christ; the widow of Zarephath who gave
her supposedly last meal to Prophet Elijah and was divinely sustained during
the period of famine – (1st Kings Chapter 17 verses 9 to 16);
Abraham who offered Isaac (Genesis Chapter 22 verses 1 to 18) and received so
many other Isaacs as well as other blessings.
The world system hoards to maximize, extort profits
but God gives in abundance to bless. Hoarding impoverishes the majority and
enriches a few. God’s abundance blesses many. Hoarding is a tool of the enemy
and hoarders do not work for God. This is why giving expands resources.
Please see Luke Chapter 6 verse 38.
Therefore, connect whatever you own irrespective of
size and quantity to overflowing abundance which never stops. Significantly the
widow of the indebted prophet was the one who stopped the overflow. How? She
ran out of vessels to pour the oil into. If she had more vessels, the oil would
have continued flowing irrespective of the huge number of vessels at her
disposal. Beloved, you can and will always have overflowing abundance if you
always have more than enough vessels to fill. Therefore take advantage of the principle
of twelve baskets to be a blessing to people. Make your lifestyle one of
giving, sacrifice and thanksgiving.
However, giving
must be consistent with the word of God. Be grateful to God so that you can
give to God with gratitude in your heart. That gratitude to God is what
overflows to humanity and you choose to become a channel of God’s blessings to
humanity. Give willingly, cheerfully, lovingly and importantly without
announcing your gifts. God Who sees in secret will reward you abundantly in the
mighty name of Jesus Christ. Shalom.
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