Friday, March 31, 2017

How to Laugh at Recessions – SHARE

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Recessions are times of insufficient resources when the best course of action would be to hoard whatever resources are at one’s disposal for safe keeping and self preservation for the rainy day. This of course is the world’s system but unfortunately it does not work and has never solved the problem of insufficient resources. This is because insufficient resources that are hoarded remain insufficient resources without anything with which to multiply and compound such resources. But insufficient resources shared end up being multiplied and compounded by God who gave the law of harvests in Genesis Chapter 8 verse 22 and Luke Chapter 6 verse 38. Significantly, this law always works each time it is applied. The widow of Zarephath is a case in point. She shared her supposedly last meal with the Prophet Elijah. God compounded that supposedly last meal and it served them even beyond the famine. They did not experience any form of lack during the period of famine. The widow enjoyed divine abundance through sharing her limited resources.  Please see 1st Kings Chapter 17 verses 1 to 16.

The Prophet Elisha asked his servant to serve the only twenty loaves of barley bread and new ripened grain to one hundred men. To start with, twenty loaves of bread  and whatever quantity of ripened grain they had was grossly insufficient to feed one hundred men but Elisha insisted that the food would not only be enough to feed them but would also be more than enough as they would have left overs. The servant obeyed Elisha and there was indeed left overs. Please see 2nd Kings Chapter 4 verses 42 to 44.

Beloved, if ever there was a time to share, it is when resources appear insufficient. This is because God usually takes over what appears to be insufficient and compounds them into overflowing abundance. Jesus Christ demonstrated this principle in the feeding of the four thousand and five thousand men besides women and children. What the disciples considered insufficient bread and fish for the multitude (John Chapter 6 verses 5 to 14, Matthew Chapter 15 verses 32 to 38) turned out to be more than sufficient. Twelve baskets were filled with the left overs from the feeding of the five thousand men besides women and children from the supposedly insufficient five loaves of bread and two fishes; while seven baskets were filled to the brim from the left overs from the feeding of the four thousand men besides women and children with the supposedly insufficient seven loaves of bread and a few fishes. God surely knows how and when to multiply and compound resources.

The Apostle Paul reiterated this when he taught on giving in 2nd Corinthians Chapters 8 verses 1 to 5 and 9 verses 6 to 11. Sharing your resources with the needy irrespective of the quantity and quality is one way of laughing at recessions. As you share, God Who knows how best to multiply and compound resources will ensure that you always have overflowing abundance in Jesus mighty name. Therefore, SHARE and receive overflowing abundance in Jesus mighty name.

What should be shared? Any resource that improves and enhances the quality of lives of people should be shared. This may be divine ideas, information, knowledge, understanding, wisdom, time, expertise, experience, skills, the gospel, money, food, love, material things, advice, counsel etc. SHARE and make someone else other than yourself a better person. You will be displaying God's likeness by responding as God would respond to situations through manifesting the fruits of the Spirit. Shalom.

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