Thursday, March 23, 2017

Progressive Financial Increase

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Progressive increase is a function of progressive processes, Isaac planted seed, reaped a hundredfold and God blessed him and he began to prosper, continued prospering until he became very prosperous – he had great number of flocks, herds and servants. Please, see Genesis Chapters 26 verses 12 to 14; 8 verse 22 and Psalm 85 verse 12.

Progressive increase is not a one off activity but a series of progressive processes that birth increases that add up, multiply and compound into progressive increases. God works in diverse and mysterious ways. One of such ways is through progressive processes – the creation of the universe and everything in it was a series of progressive processes. All power belongs to God and it is possible for Him to create everything in an instant yet He chose progressive processes. There must be very significant reasons for doing so. Please see Genesis Chapter 1. Also, the building of Noah’s ark was a series of progressive processes (Genesis Chapter 6). So also was the filling of the ark with living things. Even the flood that destroyed the earth was not instantaneous. It was a series of progressive activities – the breaking up of the fountains of the great deep, the opening up of the windows of heaven and the rain that fell for forty days and forty nights. In like manner the drying up of the earth and reconstruction was also a series of progressive activities. Please see Genesis Chapters 7, 8 and 9. Even the release of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery and bondage was a series of progressive activities that cowed Pharaoh into releasing the Israelites to leave Egypt. The journey through the wilderness to the Promised Land was yet another series of progressive activities.

Progressive increase therefore does not happen in an instant. God promised Abraham descendants as numerous as the sand of the sea. This did not happen in an instant. Over a period of time, the descendants came through Isaac, the child of promise.

Financial increase, fame and power came to Joseph, a descendant of Abraham through a series of progressive activities and events that appeared to be huge obstacles in his path. Eventually, Joseph emerged a global leader, a governor of great wealth and a father of two nations within the nation of Israel.

For Daniel, increase also came through a series of events orchestrated or allowed by God and designed to bring him to the pinnacle of global leadership, success, fame, and financial and material prowess. Nothing happened in an instant.

The journey of the widow of the indebted prophet to financial freedom was a series of progressive activities – from seeing prophet Elisha to borrowing many vessels, packaging the oil and selling the oil.

The virtuous woman of Proverbs Chapter 31 verses 10 to 31 engaged in a series of progressive and financially rewarding economic activities that made her financially independent – buying, selling, producing. Please see also Proverbs Chapter 13 verse 11.

This is not to say that financial windfalls do not occur. Financial windfalls do occur but usually for a purpose. The seven years of surplus harvests in Egypt for instance were divinely arranged to mitigate the seven years of famine that followed the harvests. The unexpected windfall from the hasty exit of the Syrians was orchestrated by God to cushion the effect of the siege that had culminated in cannibalism - parents eating up their children. This is usually not a regular occurrence. When Jesus fed the multitudes with the limited food resources available, it was not a regular occurrence. It happened twice and in very extenuous circumstances. Thereafter, it did not happen again.

Beloved, windfalls are acts of God and will always be a part of our human existence. However, they are not designed to be daily events or occurrences. Usually, they are one off events designed to cushion or mitigate droughts, famines, and challenges. Thereafter, the onus is on a person to partner with God to till the garden of Eden He designed for that person to enjoy its abundance through daily progressive activities that lead to progressive increase and abundance as they add up, multiply and compound. The parables of talents and the prodigal son both illustrate this principle.

The parable of talents addresses the issue of progressive increase through progressive investment activities while the parable of the prodigal son illustrates what a person devoid of understanding does with a windfall – he wasted it on riotous living while his wealthy father and brother continued earning in daily progressive activities.

Financial independence or abundance is a culmination of a series of daily progressive financial investment activities or financially rewarding economic activities. Therefore, engage in financially rewarding economic activities and reap great financial rewards.

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