Thursday, March 16, 2017

Laugh at Recessions

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus. Philippians Chapter 4 verse 19; For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich. 2nd Corinthians Chapter 8 verse 9, NKJV.

You can laugh at recessions or what the Bible calls famine by trusting God for divine provision, harvests and expansion in times of famine. This is because the Bible records in the following Scriptures that God will always provide for His own in times of famine. They include Job Chapter 5 verses 20 and 22, Psalm 37 verse 19, Isaiah Chapter 58 verse 11, Ezekiel Chapter 34 verse 29, 36 verses 29 to 30, Genesis Chapter 26, Genesis Chapters 41 to 50. Additionally, God is not the author of famine, hunger, lack, indebtedness and insufficiency. These are circumstances that come upon people as a result of satanic manipulations, attacks and oppressions. God blesses His children with overwhelming abundance and crowns the year with His goodness. Please see Psalm 78 verses 23 to 30, 37 verse 25, 65 verse 11.

There was a famine in Gerar where Isaac lived. The logical option was to leave Gerar for any other place where weather conditions were right for farming. But as Isaac contemplated on this option, God instructed him not to leave Gerar. He obeyed God and planted precious seed in a land experiencing famine and despite the weather conditions and the state of the soil; Isaac’s seed sprouted, flourished and produced abundant harvests because God gave the increase. Please see Genesis Chapter 26. In like manner, He will bless every seed you have planted, will plant to give you abundant harvests, great increase and prosperity in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Israel and his family moved to Egypt and enjoyed great abundance and affluence at a time of global famine because God sent Joseph ahead of time to prepare the abundance. Israel and his family did not labor for the abundance they enjoyed. The Egyptians, supervised by Joseph labored for the abundance. Also, Israel and his family did not pay for the abundance. While other nations and even the Egyptians traded in money, livestock and land for food, Israel and his family enjoyed free food on account of Joseph. God Who is rich in mercy will send people ahead of you so that you will experience and enjoy unmerited super natural abundance and expansion even at a time of famine in Jesus mighty name. Please see Genesis Chapters 41 to 47 for a detailed account of how God made abundant provision for Israel in Egypt.
God used the ravens to feed Elijah at the brook Cherith at the beginning of the famine. But when the brook dried up, God used the widow of Zarephath to continue the divine provision. Please see 1st Kings Chapter 17 verses 1 to 16. Beloved, this suggests that there is sometimes the need to move away from dried up brooks. Dried up brooks could imply previous expertise, experience, contacts, relationships and just any resource that are not no longer relevant.

God always prepares resources for His people ahead of famines and makes them available to His people during such periods. However, what is required is accurate divine direction and leading by the Holy Spirit of God coupled with obedience to such instructions.

Elimelech and his family relocated to Moab on account of famine. Unfortunately, every male member of the family died in Moab, leaving behind Naomi, the wife of Elimelech and matriarch of the family who had borne him two sons a bitter woman; and two young widows, Ruth and Orpah.

Naomi however heard that God had visited His people by giving them bread and decided to return to Bethlehem. Though her two daughters in-law insisted on going with her, only Ruth made the full journey to Bethlehem as Orpah returned home to her people. Sometimes, relocation may not be the solution to famine especially if not directed by God.

Jacob was instructed by God to relocate to Egypt as the relocation was in line with the divine plans and timing of God for His people. This is not to say that people should not relocate. What is key and instructive is the clear leading of God on the issue of relocation. The woman of Shunem who accommodated and fed the Prophet Elisha was advised by Elisha to relocate on account of the famine that would be in the land for seven years. The Bible records that she relocated to the land of the Philistines and lived there for seven years after which she returned home. Significantly, her house and land were restored to her by the King because God ordered her steps into the palace at the right time as she came in when Gehazi was telling the King about the miracles Elisha did, one of which was: giving birth to a child miraculously, how the child died and was raised to  back to life. 

The Bible records in Acts Chapter 11 verses 27 to 39 that there was a great famine throughout the world and the disciples sent relief to the brethren dwelling in Judea. What this implies is that God always has prepared vessels and resources to mitigate whatever may happen globally and as long as you are a child of His walking in His ways, there is always ample provision for you in Jesus mighty name.

Beloved, experience and enjoy supernatural abundance in spite of recessions. Shalom

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