Friday, March 31, 2017

A Billion Dollars is Possible

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

A billion dollars is a lot of money. To some people, it takes a lifetime to make such money while to some other people, such money can be made in a twinkle of an eye, from a single transaction or multiple transactions. Unfortunately, there are people who believe that such money cannot be made in several lifetimes not to talk of a single life time. Well there are no several lifetimes as this present lifetime on planet earth is the only life time anyone blessed with life here has to make a billion or more dollars.

The Bible says that with God, all things are possible. Please see Mark Chapter 10 verse 27. God will always make a way where there is no way. You can make a billion dollars or even more because God your Father owns inexhaustible wealth and He has blessed you with the power to make wealth. That power to make wealth is not as a result of your own making or strength as stated in Zechariah Chapter 4 verse 6. That power comes by the Spirit of God Who empowers you and teaches you to make wealth in leaps and bounds (Isaiah Chapters 58 verse 11; 48 verse 17, 1st Corinthians Chapter 2 verses 9 to 16) by giving you divine direction to abundance (Genesis Chapter 26), divine wisdom for abundance at a time of famine (Genesis Chapter 41) as well as destroying satanic yokes and limitations (Isaiah Chapter 10 verse 27). No one makes a billion dollars by personal strength.

The Bible records that “Then Isaac sowed in the land and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the LORD blessed him. The man began to prosper and continued prospering until he became very prosperous”. Genesis Chapter 26 verses 12 to 14. What Isaac did was intelligent investing by the Spirit of God. Intelligent investing is not speculation. Speculation is gambling. Intelligent investing is planting seeds in good soil and nurturing same for a great harvest. Speculation on the other hand is scattering seeds so that some fall by the wayside, on thorns, on rocky places. They may or may not grow, grow and may not bear fruit, or just one or two grow and fruit. I pray that God in His infinite mercy will guard your feet and prosper you to continue prospering until you become very wealthy in Jesus mighty name.

Beloved, it is time to discard the impossibility mentality. Explore the possibilities of building big from the scratch. It is possible. Peter cast the net on the right side of the boat as instructed by the Lord Jesus Christ and he caught a multitude of fish that took several men to draw in the catch. That is the right side of the boat that Jesus asked Peter to cast his net on. What was the result? Please, see John Chapter 21.
Joseph deployed his God given wisdom to ensure food security in Egypt. Joseph prospered. Egypt prospered. You can also prosper and make billions. It is Possible. How? You should deploy the potential that God put in you to bless humanity, which is benefit people around you by creating what God wants you to create. Stir the gift of God in you and work it through. There are divine deposits in you that are marketable. The world is waiting for them. Please, see 1st Timothy Chapter 4 verse 14.

The light of the knowledge of the glory of God in you through Jesus Christ is a treasure in you. Please see 1st Corinthians Chapter 15 verses 40 to 41. Every creation of God carries the glory of God. But it is left to that creature to manifest the glory of God. Glory in Greek language is Posa which means the nature, essence, attribute of a thing. The full manifestation of God's nature, essence and attribute in your life is becoming what and who God created you to be. The real manifestation is how you manifest the nature of God; doing what you are created to do and not just knowing what to do and additionally completing what God assigned you to do on earth.

The essence of God's glory is to achieve purpose. Man's glory is to be like God because man was created in the image of God. Therefore, you should reign, have dominion in life by creating what God wants you to create to benefit and bless humanity. The glory of God in you finds expression in creativity and that can only be done by BREAKING THE ALABASTER BOX (that is sharing your divine potentials with humanity). You do not need to impress anyone with your skills, knowledge base, expertise, contacts and resources. All you need to do is be yourself and allow God do the linkages, allow God choose for you the tasks that He wants you to do for His glory. Never get carried away, do not show off, do not give room to the I voice that wants to showcase itself, ridicules you and puts you in mental processes that make you sick.

It is time for your supernatural turnaround through divine wisdom and favor. It is your time of speedy turnaround by the grace of God and the Spirit of God. Please see Luke Chapters 1 verses 35, 37; 18 verse 27, Mark Chapter 10 verse 27.

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