Thursday, March 16, 2017

Organize Your Life to Wealth

Written by Uyoyou Christiana Charles-Iyoha

Organize the pieces of your life together to get the whole God is creating, that whole that is filled with the glory of God. The organization should align with specificity of purpose to enable you focus on divine direction, have clarity to facilitate divinely backed implementation and achievement. Beloved, God is making something beautiful, outstanding, significant, relevant and honorable with your life. Do not give up or give in for you shall be called sought out, a desirable place. You are the City of God’s Delight. To be sought out refers to a place or person or something where people seek because there is something of value in it. The value in this case is the glory of God bestowed on you by God. What is glory? The dictionary refers to glory as praise and worship of God, fame, praise or honor given to somebody because they have achieved something important. It also refers to great beauty, special cause for pride, respect or pleasure. In the book of Haggai Chapter 2 verse 7, it refers to splendor.

God is taking you somewhere big and higher than anything you can ever imagine. It is the place of global recognition and visibility as well as financial Abundance - Isaiah Chapter 54 verses 1 to 5, Job Chapter 8 verse 7.  He is taking you to a land of prosperity, increase, expansion and fruitfulness. Please see Deuteronomy Chapter 28 verses 1 to 14. The promises in this Scripture are against the backdrop of the ones in Deuteronomy Chapter 8 verses 1 to 18, take note of verses and 7 to 9, For the LORD thy God bringeth thee into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and depths that spring out of valleys and hills; A land of wheat, and barley, and vines, and fig trees, and pomegranates; a land of oil olive, and honey; A land wherein thou shalt eat bread without scarceness, thou shalt not lack any thing in it; a land whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills thou mayest dig brass; and Deuteronomy Chapter 11 verses 8 to 13. A land that God Himself watches over at all times, waters at the right season and ensures a great harvest. See Psalm Chapter 65 verses 9 to 13, Psalms Chapters 1 and 23, Malachi Chapter 3 verses 10 to 12 and Leviticus Chapter 26 verse 5.

There is therefore no need to rush. All you need do is go at His pace, do things the way He would have you do them and trust Him to meet all the seeming pressing needs that bother you. The prophet Elisha gave this instruction to the widow of the indebted prophet “Go (move, act) sell the oil, pay your debts and live on rest”. She was advised by the prophet Elisha to solve the financial crisis first and then manage what she had left so that she would not go into debt again. Always go at the pace of the Holy Spirit for that is when you get it right. Never allow yourself to be stampeded by any one or circumstances. Haste often produces wrong decisions, actions and counsel.

Therefore work with available resources to move from point A to B even if your present available resources  include the Word of God, prayers, faith, prophetic utterances, what you may consider of little value but is indeed of great value. The woman had what she thought and referred to as only a jar of oil. She had no inkling of the economic value and that it could be all she required to get out of debt.

When God relocated the Israelites to Canaan from Egypt; a supposedly land of plenty; God took them to a land of abundant natural resources, well watered, abundant food and abundant mineral resources – everything that would facilitate wealth so that the Israelites could lend to the nations and reign over many nations. Beloved, this natural wealth producing land gave the Israelites an edge over the nations around them as they increased in wealth. Please see Deuteronomy Chapter 8 verses 6 to 18, 11 verses. The Israelites worked the land to become wealthy. The land did not throw wealth on them while they sat thanking God for making them wealthy. They worked the land. You must be engaged in an income generating activity – Deuteronomy Chapter 28 verses 8 to 12 so that your next stop is your wealthy place. All the people God called in the Bible and who worked with God had their personal financial resources. They did not depend on people for financial resources. Moses worked in Midian when he ran away from his comfy position as one of the princes of Egypt. He tended the flock of Reuel, the priest of Midian. Though he eventually married Zipporah, one of Reuel’s daughters, he earned his upkeep as a shepherd.  Enough of insufficiency!

It is indeed time for you to emerge. Step it up at His pace. Divine wealth is your inheritance in Christ Jesus who paid the full price for you to enjoy sustainable wealth. Divine Wealth Codes as well as other devotionals on wealth building should not be your regular devotionals. They are additional spiritual and mental exercises designed to build you up and strengthen you spiritually as well as equip you to access divine wealth by believing in God who in turn will help you believe in yourself, help you in identifying divine seeds in you, help you refine and market them for profit. Therefore, assign times for regular devotionals with God which should be separate from what you are already doing with the wealth devotionals and other wealth building books.

May God who is rich in mercy give you understanding and help you to create, build and sustain generational wealth in Jesus mighty name. Shalom.

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